What I read from around the web

Before I say anything else, I just want to say that the past few days have been magical for me. Clara started sleeping through the night earlier this week (doctors consider ‘sleeping through the night’ to be 5 hours or something ridiculous like that, but I consider it to be from bedtime until 6am. Uninterrupted.) and I feel like a whole new woman!

Of course, all good things must come to an end and yesterday and today she’s been thrown horribly off schedule. I blame myself because I scheduled her doctor’s appointment for when she should have been taking a nap. FAIL.

But the point is, I feel so motivated now that I’m not sleep deprived! I truly can get 80 things done in a day and I can conquer the world and all sorts of good things!

Just not today. Today I’m sleep deprived again and so is Clara and my ears are ringing from listening to her whine in her crib.

Let’s move on to a different topic, shall we?

This Week in Photos:

Week of July 10th

  • Clara loves laundry day. She’s such a great ‘helper’. Now I just need to teach her to fold…
  • Summer calls for fresh/makeup free faces some most days.
  • First she attempted to body slam Ozzie, then he finally got annoyed and left his bed and she stole it.
  • 12 month shots! She cried for .2 seconds until the nurse gave her a sticker and then she shoved it in her mouth and was quite pleased with the entire ordeal. I’m so thankful that vaccinations have gotten easier as she’s gotten older – I was afraid the opposite would be true.

Worth Reading:

Front pages from newspapers in all 50 states the day after the Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriage. (here)

“In other words, the electoral map shows that Bernie Sanders is not only a realistic candidate for president, but his record on a number of issues speaks to a wide range of voters. If Democrats simply vote based on their value system (considering demographic shifts favor Democrats), Bernie Sanders can easily win the presidency. If they nominate Hillary Clinton out of despair, thinking this is still 1999, then email scandals and an Iraq War vote could mitigate any advantages a Democratic challenger has over Jeb Bush or another Republican.” (here)

“The fallout is your place is filled between seven thirty and nine with people who can afford to pay extra, and you’ve alienated all the regulars, all the locals, all your core business. Two years later, when you’re not as hot a ticket, they’re not coming back. It’s short-term thinking and it’s going to be bad for our industry.” (here)

“At first blush, all of this speaking advice sounds like empowerment. Stop sugarcoating everything, ladies! Don’t hedge your requests! Refuse to water down your opinions! But are women the ones who need to change? If I’m saying something intelligent and all a listener can hear is the way I’m saying it, whose problem is that?” (here)

“All of this research suggests that important work happens while we sleep. And yet we also know that few of us sleep enough. Some of us may no longer even know what being fully awake feels like. How is your mind today affected by a lack of sleep the night before Increasingly, researchers are turning their attention to waking life, and asking how much it’s been changed by chronic lack of sleep.” (here)

“I wonder, if at its very heart, minimalism is about questioning what pieces we allow into our life. Our lives are finite and we are met with choices every day about what to allow in. And by definition, allowing in one piece necessitates missing another.” (here)

This weekend we have Clara’s first birthday party! I can’t believe it’s been a year… gosh.

How was your week?!


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