The chop

You may have noticed, but I chopped off my hair a few weeks ago. Well, of course I didn’t chop it, I don’t have that kind of talent, but I went to a stylist who chopped it and dyed it a little brighter red and I’m thrilled with the result.

A shorter haircut

Here’s the thing, I love long hair. I’ve always loved long hair on myself and I also love my natural hair color. But I’m in a new phase of life now. And after over a year of Clara pulling on my hair and postpartum hair loss and constantly wearing my hair in a ponytail / messy bun, I’ve decided long hair isn’tĀ for me. Not right now, anyway.

I’m actually on a sort of ‘know thyself’ kick lately, which I’ll expand on in a later post, but really I’m trying to figure out who I am and what my lifestyle is as opposed to what I think my lifestyle is like. For instance: I’ve always had long hair because I like the possibility of doing awesome things with it. I mean, look at all of the hair tips and styles on Pinterest! Surely I could do something with long hair…

The reality of the situation is that yes, there are a ton of hair styles I could have done with long hair, but I’m not the type of person who is going to sit down and watch YouTube videos on hair styling. I asked for a curling iron for Christmas 4 years ago and only used it once. I’m just not that person who is ever going to learn to do her hair. And now I’m ok with this reality. So, knowing that about myself and being aware that I am not (no matter how much I wish I would) going to spend time figuring out hair, I made the cut.

Chopping my hair off

And I love it. I wash it, run my fingers through it, put in a minimal amount of product, run my fingers through it again, let it air dry for a little bit – and ta-da, it’s done for the day! And dry shampoo is much, much more effective on my hair when it’s short. The red dye was just for fun… because, why not?! I only did a semi-permanent dye but I think I’m going for permanent the next time I go in. Anyway, that’s the too-long story behind this seemingly minor change. The more I know about myself, the better decisions I can make for the current phase of life I’m in.

The end.

Is your hair style a conscious decision or is it a style you’ve had for a while and haven’t reconsidered lately?

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