Finding Out We Were Pregnant (the second time!)

I’ve been meaning to write a ‘finding out we were pregnant (again)’ post for quite a while (I mean, I’m already 26 weeks pregnant… which is a solid 6 months for those of you who are counting) and then Lauren wrote this awesome post, which reminded me to just write the darn thing before Baby Beni is actually sitting in my lap as I do it!

(I swear, time keeps flying right on by. Which is neither here nor there.)

So here it is, the story of how we found out that we’re pregnant, again!

Finding out we were pregnant

So let me just set up the background a bit. … Rewind 6+ months, to when we were blissfully unaware about all of the life changes that were about to take place… I was still nursing Clara in July, right after she turned a year old. I was nursing her every few hours, and was getting quite tired of it. I just wanted my body back, darnit. So, we decided to wean her during the day around her first birthday. I hadn’t gotten my period since I was pregnant with her, and I was under the assumption that it would take a few months for things to get ‘normal’ with my hormones again.

Meaning, I thought I couldn’t get pregnant.

Of course I knew that it was physically possible, but I was under the impression that it was very, very unlikely.

Well, time passed right on by and Tim and I talked about when we would like to start trying to have kids again. Our original intention was to have children 18 months apart (and by ‘original’ I mean ‘before we had kids and were naive to how hard it is to raise them’), but after having Clara and starting to go through the toddler stage, I decided to significantly push back our timeline.

Well, one day at the end of August we were babysitting a 2.5 year old and I was exhausted. Tim and I took both girls to the park (Clara was just over a year old at the time) and they were both running around in different directions and generally being toddlers. They were all over the place. It was such a tiring few hours and after our friend came to pick up her daughter I told Tim that there was absolutely no way I could ever handle two toddlers at the same time, and that I was more convinced than ever that we should wait 3 or so years between kids.

Well, you know where this is going.

Finding out we were pregnant

Just a few hours later I was complaining about how tired and out of it I was feeling, and Tim suggested a pregnancy test.

This is (roughly) how the conversation went:

Me: I am not taking a pregnancy test, that’s ridiculous.

Tim: Well you’re tired, you said your stomach feels queasy… that’s how you felt when you were pregnant with Clara, right?

Me: Tim. I would know if I was pregnant, and I am definitely not pregnant. Plus, when would I have even gotten pregnant? It would had to have been via immaculate conception or something.

(TMI note, Clara had a rough time sleeping around the 12 month mark… it must have been some sort of regression because she wasn’t sleeping and we weren’t sleeping and our time not sleeping was also not spent doing anything ‘romantic’, it was spent calming a screaming baby. I’ll just leave it at that.)

Tim: I’m just saying… just take the test.

Me: Fine, if I’m pregnant I’m calling him Jesus Jr.

… 5 minutes and one pee stick later …

Me: OK, I guess we’re having a baby Jesus Jr.

I mean, if that’s not a fairy tale story, I don’t know what is. (Insert eye roll here).

The thing is, I was and am thrilled to be pregnant. I wasn’t overwhelmed, I wasn’t upset, I wasn’t angry… I was just genuinely surprised and more-than-a-bit unprepared!

The rest of our conversation revolved around trying to figure out when we could have gotten pregnant.

I still have no clue.

Tim says he remembers the event and tried describing it to me, but I swear I wasn’t there for it. I have no idea what he’s even talking about. There may have been tequila involved.

The point is, Clara was conceived earlier than expected and Baby Beni was conceived completely unexpectedly, proving once again that God’s design for my life is better and more perfect than I could ever have planned for myself. By a long shot. I am so glad that He is in charge and not me, because I feel such a great sense of peace knowing that this is so completely His will and that I didn’t need to overthink anything or create lists or have a ‘5 year plan’… I’m so not in control and that’s okay!

Family in DC

I mean, who wouldn’t want more of this kind of crazy in their life?!

I still haven’t wrapped my head around having kids 21 months apart and I’m in a healthy state of denial about what that might be like for our family. I know it’s going to be tough. I also know it’s going to be amazing. I can’t wait to see what our life looks like at this time next year!

A little over four months ago we found out about Baby Beni, and we’ll be welcoming him/her in a little under four months from now. Exciting times!


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