Monday is my second favorite day of the week. OK, maybe third.

Confession: Mondays may be my favorite day of the work week.  Yes, that means they beat out Fridays, in my book.  I would be stronger in this conviction, but I’m afraid that I would be horribly ostracized.

Plus, I know that once I say it 100% for realz real (who do I think I am? I can’t even take myself seriously when I use slang!) my Mondays will turn to complete shit.

But seriously, my favorite days of the week are Sundays, Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays, Thursdays, Wednesdays, and Tuesdays – in that order.

Are there any other Monday lovers out there?!  

I’m assuming I’m hearing crickets.

Moving on, let’s discuss my Weekend Shenanigans, shall we?

I took exactly one picture of what I did this weekend (and it sums everything up quite nicely, I think!):


Yes, I took this while I was still at work on Friday (hence the office phone in the background), when I was still motivated.  The rest of the night was spent at a bar celebrating a co-worker’s birthday.  Great times were had by all.

Domestic success of the weekend was baked oatmeal.  I made it and it was delicious.  +1 wife point for Lisa!


My favorite day of every week is Sunday, and this week was no exception. The Husband and I woke up ‘early’, went to Church with our old roommate, and then went to our friends’ place to play card games and laugh and eat a lot. We probably over-stayed our welcome and I definitely ate all of their snacks, but I think they’ll invite us back anyway – they’re pretty nice like that.

But seriously, I did eat all of their snacks. Garlic hummus is a weakness of mine.

On another note…

Did anyone else forget daylight savings time?! Because I did.  I’d like to say that’s the reason I didn’t make it to CrossFit on Sunday, but my iPhone is more organized than I am and automatically ‘sprang ahead.’ I hate when technology makes me feel inferior. I guess I’ll be making up this lost gym time in the next few days… biceps don’t grow themselves, no matter how much garlic hummus I consume.

On that profound note, I’ll sign off for now. I hope everyone had a marvelous weekend and is recharged for what I’m sure will be a fantastic week.

Three cheers for Mondays! Laughing

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