My weekend was so adult-like I’m wondering if I should be getting concerned.

To be honest, I was drafting a post for tonight and it started getting long and then I realized how tired I was and the post started making no sense at all. SO, that post will be published tomorrow when I have the brain power to complete it, and today I just want to share…

// A lazy Friday evening spent at home watching episodes of ‘Last Man Standing’ (which I think is a highly underrated show).

// Productivity on a Saturday. I even shocked myself with this one! Granted, I didn’t finish anything on my ‘actual’ to-do list but I did do some things I didn’t even know I wanted to do until they kind of happened. 

// An evening spent with friends with cheese & crackers and seasonal beer and my new favorite game and great conversation.

// My dad turning 58 and having the chance to celebrate with him and other family members.

The men celebrating dad’s birthday! I wasn’t wearing enough grey to be invited into that picture.

// Time spent with great friends and their not-so-new baby (she’s already almost 15 weeks old and gets cuter every day)! This was Ozzie’s first time around a baby and he was fairly intrigued! I’m taking this as a positive sign for the future.


So tell me, what about your weekend are you especially thankful for this Monday morning?!



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