
Hi! I’m Lisa, the writer of ‘Naptime Chai’. I’m a Christian wife and mom who lives in one the best cities in the world – Seattle! My husband and I welcomed a daughter, Clara, into our family in the middle of 2014 and we welcomed our second daughter in April of 2016. Now that we’re finally getting this family-of-four thing figured out… I’m pregnant with our third child who is due to arrive in the spring of 2019! I’m still transitioning into this life as a (stay-at-home) mom (of two, almost three!) and probably always will be. I’m opinionated and always have something to say, which is why this blog started years ago. I hope my writing helps other new moms and women in their own transitions – we’re all in this together!

Seattle Mom Blogger

I like to consider myself an intentional person with a tendency to be a bit minimalistic and ‘crunchy’. We use cloth diapers, we make as much homemade (baby) food as we can manage, we don’t buy tons of toys or expensive clothing for our daughters, we almost never allow screen time… basically we’re no fun at all and I like  it that way. We do go on a lot of outdoor adventures, though, and I’m always planning the next fun thing. My goals are to keep my kids as happy and healthy as possible, while guiding them to be a productive citizen of the world and loving daughters of God – no small feat, right?! 

As for me, I’m a stay-at-home mom who doesn’t actually feel all that fulfilled by staying at home. This means that I’m constantly on the go. (For those of you who know a bit about the Enneagram, I am a very strong type 7, which I feel like is all you really need to know about me!) I spend less time making dinner than planning trips. I am practically allergic to the words ‘DIY’, but I have a never-ending list of projects I’d love to do… eventually. I’m a vegetarian (technically I’m a pescatarian) who loves working out but also has a sweet-tooth. I’m a goal-setter, who is constantly working on improving myself, both through prayer and my own efforts. My current goals are to be the best wife and mother I can possibly be, while consistently showing God’s love and grace through these relationships, and in my relationships with others. I love being in friendship with other women who are also striving to be their best selves on this crazy journey of life!

This blog is full of my own thoughts about motherhood and life in general, as well as some tips and tricks I’ve learned along the way. I hope to inspire you to live with intention, in whatever stage of life you’re in!

Read more about how ‘Naptime Chai’ got its name here.

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