Snapshot of life in June

You know how sometimes you have so much fun during the weekend that you forget about social media and blogging and everything and just live life to the very fullest? Well, the opposite was true of my weekend this time. These last few days found me sitting around in sweatpants, drinking beer, watching reality TV, and having zero motivation to change my life situation at all.

What the heck, self?!

Sometimes I think that I’m so overwhelmed for weeks on end that I mentally and physically shut down the moment life lets up.

Actually, my masseuse once told me that this is a good thing and we should pay attention when our body is sending us ‘just relax and stuff your face and watch Teen Mom 2’ messages. Except, she didn’t say it quite like that.

Anyway, instead of recapping my weekend shenanigans, I’ll leave you with what I’m doing currently.

During this first week of June I’m currently…

Reading: ‘The Dance of Fear’ by Harriet Lerner and ‘The New Rules of Marriage’ by Terrence Real. I guess those are pretty serious for summer reading books, but so, so good.

Watching: Game of Thrones (still). Season 3! The Husband and I keep pausing for weeks and then picking it back up. Still addicted. 

Listening to: Anything that causes me to shake my booty. OK, so maybe that’s mostly ‘Top 40’ songs… don’t judge me.

Obsessing over: The Blackhawks. I absolutely love hockey season, and especially the playoffs.

Shopping for: I just bought three pairs of flats (for work) so I’m taking a bit of a break from shopping for at least… well…. maybe a week? 

Wearing: A rain jacket. Well, 2 weeks ago I got a nice little tan on this pale body of mine, but it’s back to 60’s and rainy here. What.the.heck. Summer is such a tease.

Learning: Nothing. Well, that’s depressing. Note to self, learn something next month!

Thinking: About marriage and how to have a more awesome marriage with the Husband. I’ll write a post about this later, but I’ve been thinking a lot about how marriage is its own entity – it’s not about working on making myself happier, or making him happier, but instead making our marriage (as a separate entity) better.

Bothered by: The amount I haven’t gone to the gym this month. I averaged about two times per week, which is pretty shameful, really.

Eating: Smoothies! The Husband has been upping his morning game and has been making me a smoothie each day. I’m really working on getting some more fruit and veggies in my diet and this is one of the easiest and most delicious solutions I can think of. Do you have any more tips for me?!

Drinking: Lots of mixed drinks. This explains the lack of exercising (see 2 lines up!).

Wasting time on: Social media. Obviously. (and this weekend, watching Teen Mom. Don’t judge me, a girl’s got to have some trashy TV in her life!)

Loving: We’ve had such a freakin’ busy month in May! We spent tons of time with family and friends and I got to spend some time with my niece who lives half a country away (in LA)! Also, we celebrated the wedding of one of my best friends from college this month, and I just LOVE celebrating love. Life was certainly good to us this month.

Praying for: Motivation at work in the coming month. It’s always a bit challenging.

Working on: Hydrating. Does this count as an answer? I’m actively working on drinking more water and eating more fruits and veggies. Wish me luck.

Looking forward to: The warm hot weather that I’m sure will be coming our way soon.

Let me know what you’re up to!

Cheers to a (hopefully) productive week ahead.

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