So much goodness in such a (seemingly) short week.

Well this weekend we’re off to Knoxville to celebrate one of my best friends getting married!!! They already made it official in a small ceremony in July, but we’re heading down to Tennessee to do some celebrating with the lovebirds – yay!

Anyway, I have to run and pack – there’s nothing like waiting until the last minute to get these things done, right?! – so let’s get right into Friday Fours.

4 Favorite Things:

  • Froyo. Fruit kebabs. Summer deliciousness in general.
  • Long weekends (goodbye, Chicago! Hello, Tennessee!)
  • Brave life transitions – I have so many friends going through some major transitions right now, and I’m so inspired by each of them!
  • The book ‘Stumbling on Happiness‘ – read it, buy it, let me know what you think! I haven’t finished it yet, but it’s totally changing the way I think about certain things in my life.

4 Confessions:

  • Sometimes I’m not an ‘outdoorsy’ person, and yesterday I was reminded of why: I went outside to enjoy the sunshine and get my tan on, and even brought my lap top out so I could be productive continue g-chatting, and as I was sitting down, I somehow managed to sit on some sort of stingy-bug-thing. This bug didn’t die… oh no… instead he got upset and stung the &^%$ out of me. My poor booty is in pain and has sting marks all over the left side.
  • I barely applied to any jobs this week. I just wasn’t feeling it. I need to get re-motivated!
  • I did, however, finish an entire season of Real Housewives of Orange County. I’m not proud of this fact, but I’m still glad I’m caught up.
  • I love road-trips and am really excited to spend a lot of hours in the car with the Husband this weekend! (He’s not half as excited as I am).

4 Favorite Links Articles:

4 Posts I Wrote This Week:

  • (Day off!)
  • When life throws a curveball, make lemonade! (Or something like that). (Tues)
  • An interview, doggy-style. (Wed)
  • Snapshot of life in August (Thurs)

I hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed weekend!

Cheers to great friends and new adventures,

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