Snapshot of life in October

Nobody panic, but it is OCTOBER. Like, officially.

If you’re anything like me, you were expecting this to come, but you weren’t expecting it to come quite so soon.

I’m just not ready to flip that page of my calendar just yet, ya know?

Sadly, life and time never seem to care all that much about what I’m ready for, and October is here whether we I like it or not!

Here’s a little ‘life update’ (or something like that)

It only makes sense that I put a ‘flashback’ picture on a ‘currently’ post. Just go with me on this.


In October, I’m currently:


Reading: Oh gosh, I think I’m reading like 4 books right now, none of which I’m far enough in to recommend to anyone. 

Watching: The Husband is trying to get me into ‘Seinfeld’ (so I can finally understand his lame references) so we’ve been watching every single episode – in order. Of course, I’m also spending way too much time each weekend watching football, and I couldn’t be happier.

Listening to: I’m still listening to Spanish podcasts while I walk Oz every day.

Obsessing over: The beyond perfect weather we’ve been having in Chicago. Seriously, I can’t get enough of it. I don’t even care that I haven’t been able to wear fall clothes yet – I’m enjoying my last few weeks wearing shorts!

Shopping for: Nothing! I’ve been living as frugally as possible (except for buying a few wedding and baby gifts here and there!)

Wearing: A bra again. I went braless for as long as possible, but now it’s getting just a bit cooler out, and well, it’s just not possible to look decent sans undergarments.

Learning: That searching for a job and interviewing is a very painful process. I have one interview today, so please cross your fingers (and toes!) for me. The ‘problem’ is that I’m not just looking for any job, I’m looking for the perfect job, which is of course, not as easy as I had been hoping.

Thinking: About how truly blessed I am! Life is good, guys.

Bothered by: There’s not a whole lot bothering me right now! (Crazy, right?!) Although, the messiness of my kitchen was really bothering me over the weekend, but I spent a few hours cleaning it and now I feel much better!

Eating: Apple pie! I made a pie on Saturday evening (entirely from scratch – of course) and have been eating it for breakfast and dessert the last few days.

Drinking: Pumpkin beer!!!! Who knew I liked pumpkin beer so much?! It’s way better than the summer flavors.

Wasting time on: Not too much, actually! Although, I continuously feel guilty for not spending more time outdoors, since it’s really that dang gorgeous out.

Loving: That I got to see my best friend (in person!) last month. Also that October is going to be a freakin’ awesome month of travels and friendships and new experiences.

Praying for: Continued patience! It’s hard for me to relax when there’s no ‘life plan’ in place, but it’s honestly been so good for me! I’m also praying for so many life changes that family and friends are going through. 

Working on: Remember those wedding-related projects I mentioned last month? Yep, still haven’t gotten started on that. But technically I’m still working on job searching, so I guess that takes priority!

Looking forward to: Our good friends are having their first baby in 2 weeks (or any day now!) and we cannot wait. We also found out that another set of friends are pregnant and my heart is just so freakin’ happy for everyone. In October, we have at least 2 or 3 weekends of travel planned, and I’m thrilled to death that we’re going to be spending so much time with friends and exploring new places. OH, and I’m excited to watch the Chicago Marathon again this year. Basically, is there anything that I’m not happy about this month? NOPE!


Cheers to my favorite month of the year! 

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