A little Q&A practice, which will come in handy when I’m famous.

Two lovely ladies (Marcia and Amberly!) nominated me for the ‘Sunshine Award’ and I was just so excited that they thought of me! Plus, I love answering questions. Like love love love it. This is probably also why I love first dates and interviews, but that’s a different story for a different time. I just need to be famous so I can be invited on talk shows and be asked all sorts of questions that are way too personal. I would be in heaven.

Someone, tell me how I can get famous! (Assuming I don’t want to go the sex tape route… that’s far too easy.)


sunshine award

The questions from Marcia:

1. What inspired you to begin blogging?

I’ve always had a blog. Like, seriously, I’ve had one since junior high. My old blogs were about marathon training (when I did that) and basically surviving college and then my life as a consultant. Well, once I met the Husband I had to get rid of the evidence of my old life, so this little blog came along! At first I wanted to write it as a way to let long-distance friends know what is going on in our lives, but now I write/share my thoughts to hopefully entertain and encourage others, and because I hope that someone can relate to some of the craziness that happens in my life.

2. What is your fondest memory of your childhood?

Traveling. I’ve always loved traveling.

3. Favorite means of social media (if any), and why?

Twitter and Instagram are way better than I ever thought they’d be. Like, I didn’t get into either one of these until this year and now I don’t know how I lived without them. Facebook, however, is not-as-great, in my opinion. 

4. Who is your dopplehanger?

I’ve always struggled with this one! Does anyone have any suggestions on who mine could be?!


In case you’ve forgotten what I look like, this is me and my sister (in-law).

5. What is your #1 guilty pleasure?

Watching really trashy TV. Generally I pride myself on not watching TV, but when I do, I totally spend hours watching Teen Mom or Real Housewives. It’s awful and I love it.

6. Tell me a secret 🙂

I’m so boring… I really don’t have secrets, I’m pretty much an open book (for better or worse!)

7. If you could create a holiday, when would it be and what would it signify/celebrate?

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I wouldn’t change anything about it! I love everything it symbolizes.

8. What book could you read over and over? Paperback or electronic? 

Game of Thrones (the series) because I can never remember what happens in them so I could probably re-read them forever and still be intrigued about what’s going to happen next.

9. What is your biggest fear (rational or irrational)?

I’ve always been afraid of drowning, which seems strange since I was on swim team forever and also a lifeguard for years… Totally an irrational fear.

10. Make-up or au natural? 

I rarely wear makeup anymore… hence the lack of pictures (of me) you’ve seen on this blog lately! It’s really my goal to get better about this, though. I need to get my booty in gear and start dressing myself up!


The questions from Amberly:

1. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done?

I’ve booked some very spontaneous (international) trips, which isn’t ‘crazy’ but it is different, I suppose. OH, getting bangs was also crazy. 


Me (and my mom) in 2010, the year of the bangs. I also dyed my hair black and had 15 extra lbs on me. Don’t judge me too harshly though, it was during my ‘hipster’ days.

2. Hot or cold weather?

Hot! Unless we’re defining 65 degrees as ‘cold’ in which case I prefer that.

3. What is your favorite season?

I like September and October. I can’t say ‘fall’ because basically those months still feel like summer in Chicago and fall lasts about 2 seconds and then we’re in full on winter mode.

4. First thing you do when you wake up?

Check my phone. SUCH A BAD HABIT!

5. Favorite part about the city you live in?

I love absolutely everything about Chicago, but I most love how beautiful the city is (especially the lakefront) and also the great restaurants that are everywhere.

Chicago skyline

6. What’s one thing that can immediately brighten your day?

A note from a friend.

8. Have you met anyone famous?

Actually, one of the first times I watched the Chicago marathon (with my mom and brother) we were standing right next to Oprah. Of course we said a few words to her and got her picture and all of that good stuff.

9. What is your worst habit?

Being 10 minutes behind schedule at all times. I always try to run around and accomplish 18 things (that I totally don’t need to do) before I leave the house. Also, I have an annoying habit of playing with my hair.

10. What is the best Halloween costume you’ve ever worn?

I’ve actually always kind of hated Halloween so my costumes have been lame at best! One year I was a Catholic school girl in which I just wore my high school uniform (thank goodness it still fit). Awful, huh?!


But seriously, how can I get instantly famous?!


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