Life was easier when I was only afraid of the boogeyman.

A little fact about me: I dislike Halloween. Always have, and probably always will. WELL, unless I can somehow convince Ozzie to wear an adorable costume one year. And actually, only if I become mature and organized enough to buy him one ahead of time. Last year we forgot to dress him up for Halloween and had to dress him as Superman for Easter to make up for it. 

We’re disasters.

But more about that later (probably), today, in honor of this stupid holiday Halloween I’m going to share with you…

(Yay for finally being able to utilize the ‘creepy’ font that I never found use for before!)

  1. Having less than a quarter tank of gas.
  2. Birds.
  3. Getting sick at inconvenient times.
  4. Over-paying for something.
  5. Losing my camera’s memory card before I back up the pictures from a vacation.
  6. Hangovers.
  7. High heels.
  8. Coming home to an empty house (Yep, I immediately check closets and showers, because that’s obviously where a bad guy would be. OH, and behind the doors.)
  9. Philadelphia fans. They throw batteries at people.
  10. Waking up late and missing an important meeting.
  11. Job searching.
  12. Heights.
  13. Having a short layover in a big airport.
  14. Wearing a dress on a windy day.
  15. Calling people I don’t know on the phone.
  16. Burpees. (I can do them, but I fear them for sure.)
  17. Dancing in public (sober). 
  18. Having food in my teeth for hours before I notice.
  19. Fish and jellyfish and sea urchins. (Not the cooked version, the type that are still swimming.)
  20. Not packing the right things for a vacation.
  21. The dark.
  22. Guys with moustaches.
  23. Breaking Bad. (I’m on the second season).
  24. Fire and lighting matches.
  25. A low battery warning on my cell phone.
  26. People’s reactions to news – good or bad. (I hate sharing any sort of ‘big’ news with anyone in case their reactions or either over or underwhelming!)
  27. Breaking a nail after a manicure.
  28. Not fitting into a super cute outfit from last year.
  29. Missing out on something amazing.
  30. (Wearing) white pants.
  31. The potential of getting trapped in a crowded elevator.

I’m pretty sure a psychologist could analyze this list and tell me all sorts of unflattering things about myself, so let’s just keep it between me and you for now. (Unless you want to try to analyze it and only tell me nice things, in which case, go right ahead!) 

In other news… The Husband and I are still having a blast visiting Buenos Aires! We even took a speedy ferry to Uruguay the other day and toured a tiny town and its beaches by golf cart. It was perfection.

I’ll share a bit more about the trip either tomorrow or next week.


But tell me, what things (irrationally) scare you!?


Cheers to holidays and celebrations!

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