Pull-ups, Wizard, vegan food, friends, dessert, and hockey. Perfect weekend? I would say so.

Oh weekend, you usually don’t fail me and these past few days were no exception.

I don’t necessarily love weekend recaps, but this past weekend was too eventful not to share.

And I’m sure you’re dying to know how I entertained myself from Friday-Sunday, so I shall share it with you.

On Friday (a very, very rainy day in Chicago), the Husband picked me up from my office and we drove straight to dinner with friends. We went to the Chicago Diner, which is not a place I normally frequent (it’s vegan, I am not), and I must say, it was fan-freakin’-tastic. Originally we had planed on going to Revolution Brewing pub, but we weren’t really feeling the three hour wait. So, off we went next door to the Chicago Diner! I had the Buddha’s Karma Burger (curried sweet potato-tofu patty, grilled pineapple, onion & chimichurri sauce) and vegan chocolate chip cookie dough shake and I was out-of-my-mind happy. Plus, I felt quite healthy! There were six of us out to dinner, 5 meat eaters and me, and we all loved the food, so if you live in Chicago and haven’t tried it yet, DO. 

I only wish I had taken a picture of my meal… but you best believe I devoured it before I even thought about taking out my camera phone.

After dinner we went to a friend’s apartment and the six of us played my new favorite card game, Wizard. I didn’t win, but I also didn’t lose, so I’m considering the night a success!

The night was bittersweet, though. We were celebrating one friend’s birthday and also saying goodbye to two of our best friends who moved to Portland, Oregon the next day. 

Happy Birthday, Eric! See you soon, Whit!

I’m in denial about the whole thing, actually. Not about my friend’s birthday – I mean, I hear 31 is a great year, but my friends moving… I’m just going to pretend it didn’t happen.

There are actually 5 people in this picture! Katy & Baby S, me & Baby B. and (of course) the beautiful Brit! We miss you already, Brittany!!

Moving on (no pun intended).

On Saturday I had to wake up early to work. Yep, you read that right, I worked on a Saturday. And the world is still spinning.

At least I got paid overtime – yay! 

I did take a break to take a family walk around the block with Oz, so that was nice.

Then, the Husband and I got all dressed up and went to the Microsoft holiday party, which was held at The Field Museum. We mingled, we met people, we saw some neat exhibits, we hung out with our friends… it was a good night. Of course, I didn’t take any pictures of us all dressed up (but we looked good, in case you were wondering) but I did take a picture of the most important part of the night… dessert.

I couldn’t decide what to get, so of course I piled one of each kind on my plate. I mean, they’re all bite sized so that’s ok… right?! Plus, I figure really I only ate half… the baby ate the other half. (Yes, I’m aware this isn’t exactly how it works… but I like to think it is.)

I wish I could say I slept in on Sunday… but alas, this was not the case. 

I woke up ‘early’ (before noon) to get my butt to Crossfit. For those of you who are counting, this is the second time I went to the gym in four days! I’m quite proud of myself for getting there, even though I didn’t necessarily feel like working out. I never regret going to the gym, ever.

As a sidenote, Baby B. does not enjoy working out, especially running. And box jumps. I basically picture the little guy/gal flipping around my uterus and trying to kick me every chance (s)he gets. I can’t feel the kicking at this point, but I know it’s there. I can feel my enlarged uterus and the pressure on my… well I don’t know what’s actually causing the pressure exactly… but if feels like I have a rock in my abdomen and it’s really not super comfortable when it bounces.

There is nothing that fills my heart with dread quite like the sight of a pull-up cage.

After Crossfit the Husband and I went on a coffee date at my favorite coffee shop, which is conveniently located right down the street from us. I even got a doughnut, because it was Sunday after all.

I spent the rest of the afternoon curled up on my couch watching the NFL playoffs and reading a good book.

You may think that is the perfect end to a perfect weekend, but no, it got better.

On Sunday night we went to the Blackhawks game with my dad and his girlfriend.

There is nothing that the Husband and I love more than watching the Chicago Blackhawks live at the United Center! Of course, the ‘Hawks broke a three game losing streak to win in an exciting game. Perfection. 

Seriously, if you ever get the chance, see the Blackhawks play in Chicago, you won’t forget it.

And that’s it, the perfect end to the perfect weekend.

Now it’s time to start the work week… all five days of it. I just hope I survive.

Wish me luck!


And tell me, what was the best thing you did this past weekend?!



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