A transitional Father’s Day

Father’s Day isn’t a day I have ever really looked forward to.

When I was little, my family barely celebrated it, considering it more of a ‘Hallmark Holiday’. I’m sure we bought my dad gifts or something like that, but I honestly don’t remember celebrating it in a really significant way.

Now with the internet and social media, it seems like we see everyone’s ‘notes’ to their father. Instagram/Facebook/etc are covered in ‘I love my dad and here’s why’ sentiments, accompanied with old photos or wedding photos or just happy and cute photos in general.

And I’m not knocking that at all, I think it’s great that so many people love their dads and want to shout it to the world for at least one day per year. I think it’s a little strange when people write ‘Happy Fathers Day, dad!’ and write a super sentimental message, but their dad isn’t on that particular social media so they’ll never see the message… But that’s neither here nor there.

Over the past few years, I’ve celebrated Father’s Day with my own dad some years, and some years I haven’t acknowledged it. My father and I aren’t close and have become less so over time, and more often than not, Father’s Day is a special kind of reminder of the relationship I don’t have with my dad. And it’s not because of a lack of trying (on my part, at least). Suffice it to say that some years this ‘holiday’ is more painful than happy for both of us.

But this year was happy for me. This year we celebrated Father’s Day with my in-laws (including Tim’s father and grandfather), both of whom are family men I greatly admire. Even more special, this year we celebrated Tim’s impending fatherhood.

Fathers Day

It was the first Father’s Day of a lifetime of Father’s Day in which I will be able to celebrate my husband and our child(ren) and his role as a dad.

And I’m really, really excited about that.

I know I’ve said it before, but making Tim a dad is the thing I’m most excited about with Bumpy. The man was made for fatherhood, of this I am most certain.

Not that the future can erase the past and that Father’s Day will not be painful going forward, because it may continue to be a rough day for me, but joy has a way of overcoming hurt and sadness.  I’m incredibly excited to be starting/growing my own little family and creating our own traditions that we’ll hold onto going forward.

This year was a special year because we’re so close to welcoming our first child into our lives. This year I carried Bumpy all Father’s Day, but next year, Tim will have that privilege.


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