Things I didn’t take pictures of.

The story of my life (especially lately) is that lots of things happen, but there is no photographic evidence of any of it.

Did it even happen if I didn’t take a picture?! Of course, but the blog posts definitely aren’t as pretty.

This is the one picture I took all weekend, so it appears as if my weekend was far more relaxing than it was in actuality.

Things I didn’t take pictures of this weekend:

  • Brittany came into town and we met (YAY!!!) and ate at Hot Chocolate. I drank a black and tan (1/3 hot fudge and 2/3 milk chocolate) and we ate mini biscuits and mini doughnuts and I had pasta and it was all too delicious for words. Then we walked around Wicker Park and I bought a maxi skirt that I am absolutely loving and she had to leave too soon, but it was wonderful being able to meet her in real life.
  • Tim and I finished Season 1 of ‘House of Cards’ and it was great. Then we started Season 2 and it’s getting pretty intense and I’m afraid to start watching each and every episode. It’s similar to how I felt when we were watching ‘Breaking Bad’.
  • On Saturday morning, Tim went out with some friends and I spent the morning with my journal and a good book and some tea. I even squeezed into a bikini and sat on my porch and got a bit of Vitamin D the natural way. *There was a picture of this! I even put it on Instagram – SUCCESS!*
  • We went to our good friends’ house and they fed us salmon and pasta and we played euchre and had the opportunity to see their adorable 9 month old daughter who is crawling around and pulling herself up on furniture and is basically the most precious little lady ever.
  • I went to prenatal yoga and worked on getting myself as bendy as possible. There were only three of us there that were over 30 weeks pregnant, so I felt quite legit as a pregnant lady. If I make it to next week, I may even ‘win’, which means I could be the most pregnant woman in class! This is not a competition I really want to win, but it gives me an incentive to keep going to class!
  • We spent Sunday afternoon with a couple who just welcomed their baby into the world in April. I can’t believe how much babies grow in just 2.5 short months! I’m so thankful that our friends have newborns/infants and they don’t mind discussing everything pregnancy/baby-related with me for hours on end. 

The best part about this weekend was the relaxed pace and unscheduled nature of it. We didn’t really make any plans ahead of time, we just went with the flow. Of course, we don’t really have many plans in general the next few weeks since Bumpy should be making his/her appearance soon… [You know, whenever (s)he gets around to it] which I’m really enjoying.


What was the best moment of your weekend?



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