Things I’m loving today

Obviously, I love this little nugget, but other than that…

// ‘The Newsroom’. Does anyone else watch this show?! It’s my new favorite. It seems like all of the other shows that Tim and I have binge-watched recently have violence / gratuitous sex in them, so I’m pretty glad that this show is a different kind of entertaining.

// The root beer doughnut that Tim surprised me with today. A man who picks up a fun-flavored doughnut for his wife ‘just because’ is a man worth keeping.

// Ray Rice being indefinitely suspended from the NFL. I haven’t read extensively about this (because I think the entire thing is disgusting and unworthy of my attention), but I am glad to see that the NFL responded to all of the negative attention his original 2-game suspension received. (As a sidenote, I do not believe the NFL had never seen the inside-the-elevator video clip, but I do believe that they were hoping no one else saw it.) I appreciate that we (as a public) are starting to hold athletes/team owners/coaches accountable for their actions.

// The gorgeous weather in Chicago. We’ve been enjoying awesome weather for almost the entire summer, but I’ve been inside for most of it. Lately, I’ve been spending more and more time outside, and I’ve been loving and appreciating every second of it.

// ‘Bachelor in Paradise’. OK, I have a confession to make. I watched ‘Bachelor in Paradise’ instead of Monday Night Football this week. I know, I know, I’m not proud of my actions. In my defense, we don’t get cable and the game was on ESPN here. Also, I loved ‘Bachelor in Paradise’ way more than I should, considering I’ve only watched one season of ‘The Bachelor(ette)’ ever.

// The opportunity to spend time with other moms with newborns. I recently started attending a New Moms Group and I think it’s going to be fantastic. 10 of us meet every week (with a ‘moderator’ of sorts) for six weeks, and we discuss what life is like being a new mom. Thank goodness there are people out there who can relate to me!

// This mac & cheese. (But more on that tomorrow with a sponsored post by Chili’s At Home!)

What are you loving today?!



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