The trouble with packing for 70 degree weather.

I love traveling. It’s one of my favorite things to do, really.

And I generally travel ‘light’ – even for my wedding (in Jamaica) Tim and I only packed 2 carry-on suitcases plus my wedding dress. However, this trip to San Diego really threw me for a loop in terms of deciding what to pack.

In Chicago it’s 30 degrees and snowing right now, so I wasn’t in the right mind-frame to pack for Southern California, where my weather app was showing a consistent 70 degree temperature.

See, the problem is that (to me) 70 degrees doesn’t seem very hot. So, with mild temperatures in mind, I decided not to bother packing a swimsuit (I would have had to buy one since my boobs outgrew my pre-baby bikinis). Using the same reasoning I decided not to buy and pack a swimsuit for Clara, nor would I pack my flip-flops. 

My thought process: Who goes to the pool or beach in 70 degree weather?! No one, right?!


All of the visitors to San Diego (as well as the inhabitants) go to the pool & beach in 70 degree weather! It’s never NOT 70 degrees here! 70 degrees is the perfect temperature for anything and everything!

Upon seeing the crowded pool at our hotel, I made a quick run to the mall to buy a swimsuit for me, a swimsuit for Clara, and also a swim shirt for her. I also bought myself a pair of flip flops (since the shoes I DID bring gave me blisters on my toes the very first morning of our trip).

Another thing Tim ‘we’ forgot to bring was a baby carrier, so we picked one of those up as well.

Learn from our mistakes – pack correctly for San Diego!

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Swimsuit
  • Sun block
  • Flip flops
  • Other casual shoes to walk around town
  • Athletic shoes (for hiking)
  • Athletic clothing (for hiking)
  • Layers/sweatshirts/cardigans/light jackets
  • Long pants
  • Shorts/skirt/dress

If you have a baby… well that’s an entirely different list that I’ll save for another time! Actually, maybe I’ll write that post later this week – but you know how I am about scheduling posts – I have the best of intentions but it doesn’t always come to fruition!

I hope you’re having a great week and are staying warm – wherever you are!


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