How I’m going to be celebrating (my first!) Mothers Day

This is the first year that I’ll be celebrating Mothers Day as a mom (YAY!) and guys, I am going to celebrate it. And I don’t think I’m going to celebrate it for just one day, I think I’m going to celebrate it this entire week, whether Tim and Clara are in on it or not!

How I'm Celebrating Mothers Day

I’m going to confess right now that I have not been great at celebrating Mothers Day in prior years for my own mom, and now I feel really badly about it. I owe my mom like, dozens and dozens of flowers. But that’s neither here nor there.

To celebrate this Mothers Day I plan on giving myself a lot of grace for an entire week, and being extra conscious about telling myself that I am enough. I will tell myself that I am a great mom, the best mom that Clara has, and that I do the best that I can with what I have. I will allow myself to make mistakes and move past them without the guilt that I tend to get lost in. I will reflect back on this past 10 months (and flip through the photos!) with Clara and remember all of the cute and frustrating moments and recognize how far I’ve come as a mother and as a person. I will acknowledge Clara’s traits that she probably got from me and be proud of what I’ve passed along. I will take care of myself and allow myself to do a few less things so I can sleep better and even remember to eat full meals. I will also celebrate my mom and my mother-in-law (and our grandmas, both here and in heaven) because they are so important both to me and Tim, as well as to Clara! I am proud that she has some awesome females/moms in her life.

How I'm Celebrating Mothers Day

Above all, I will allow myself to feel pride, because being a mom can be really hard, and I still wake up and tackle this role each and every day!

(I’ll also be hoping to get flowers and a nice, sentimental present from Clara, of course!)

How do you plan to celebrate Mothers Day this year?!

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