Two podcast episodes worth listening to

The title says it all! (But I’ll still give a  bit of an intro, because short and sweet is not usually my thing.)

Are any all moms out there obsessed with podcasts? I listen to a bijillion of them (eventually I’ll write down all of my recommendations) while I’m cleaning the house, driving, writing this very blog post, etc. Basically, I always have a podcast on in the background!

I want to share two podcast episodes I listened to this week and LOVED. Stop what you’re doing and listen to them right now!

Two podcast episodes you should listen to

This American Life – White Haze

Right-wing groups like the Proud Boys say they have no tolerance for racism or white supremacist groups. Their leader Gavin McInnes disavowed the white nationalist rally in Charlottesville. But the Proud Boys believe “the West is the best,” which, one of them points out, is not such a big jump from “whites are best.” And one of the Proud Boys organized the Charlottesville rally. (The group now claims he was a spy.) What should we make of groups like this? (This description was taken from the This American Life website.)

For The Love Of Moxie – Finding Beauty in the Mess with Glennon Doyle

Jen and Glennon Doyle have a conversation about the flip side of moxie—the mess that usually precedes it. Glennon is the wildly popular curator of the online community “Momastery.” She is a best-selling author of the book “Carry On, Warrior,” and her latest book called “Love Warrior.” Glennon speaks candidly of what it looks like to let go of trying to be perfect, of trying to fit in, and how embracing your pain leads to transformation and beauty.  (This description was taken from Jen Hatmaker’s website. This site also includes the transcript from the conversation, if reading is more your style.)

Do you listen to podcasts?! Which one is your favorite?

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