How am I so busy but get nothing done? (This isn’t a trick question).

Lately the sermons at our church have been so timely with what I spend most of my day thinking about.

Or perhaps I just hear the sermons differently because of what I’m thinking about sub-consciously when the pastor is speaking.

Either way, I’ve been loving the messages lately.


This Sunday the sermon was about rest.

… and it was exactly what my soul needed to hear.


This is me, happily resting in NYC.


This week (and most weeks, lately). I am busy. Busy, busy, busy. And I know that everyone is busy. And I hate when people say they are ‘too busy’ for something. But lately I’ve been feeling like I’m running on empty.

It doesn’t help that the Husband and I are going on vacation and I’m always a bit anxious before vacations because I don’t want to return to a never ending to-do list, so I try to get everything done ahead of time.

I even stayed in all weekend just to get shit done. And is my to-do list any shorter than it was on Friday? Heck no!

(But I did spend some awesome quality time with friends and family and the Husband, and we did go to church and we ran errands, and I got my sweat on… and I did get some other stuff done, just not as much as I would have liked. So, it wasn’t a complete loss!)

It’s obvious I need to slow down and take a few deep breaths and re-prioritize some things.

I realize that I only have 24 hours in a day, but somehow I think I have a superhuman ability to accomplish 40 hours worth of ‘stuff’. 

**But seriously, that would totally be my superpower if I could have one… the ability to accomplish 40 hours worth of tasks in 24 hours. While still sleeping. Perfection.

Anyway. Back to the point of the post. Because there is one, besides me complaining, I think.

There are certain things that I hope I always have time for – and these things need to be a priority every single day. I’m writing them down to hold myself accountable, darnit!


Things I am never, ever, ever too busy for:

// Playing with our little Monster.

// Praying.

// Resting.

// Spending time with the Husband.

// Reading (articles, books, the Bible, anything and everything).

// Talking to friends and family, without feeling rushed.

// Working out (at least going on a walk).

// Writing in my journal.


I think as long as I’m able to do these things every day, I’m doing OK and my insatiable desire to be as productive as possible can be put on hold for a bit. 


The problem is that I need to convince myself that enough is enough, and that’s easier said than done. With a third of the year over, I need to revisit my New Years resolution of ‘Freedom’ and allow myself to really feel this again. I need to feel a little more free from obligations and things I ‘should’ do to be a better employee, friend, family member, wife, person, etc. 

This will be quite the challenge for me, but there’s no time like the present to renew myself! I know that I need to focus on whatever helps me spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically, and let everything else go.

And I’m willing to do this, I think. I need to fully wrap my head around it, but darnit, if it releases me from some of this anxiety about never being enough, I’m willing to do it!

So here’s to a week or prioritizing and simplifying and relaxing (just a bit).

… and tell me, what do you always make time for?


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