Confession: I LOVE Mondays.

I’ve always said that Mondays are my favorite day of the week. (This might be a tiny bit of a lie, because I really do love Saturdays and Sundays and being able to hang out with the Husband for more than a few hours in a row. But, there is something about Mondays that just make me happy. We can at least settle on Mondays being my favorite WEEKDAY of the week.)



Yes, you heard that right, I love Mondays more than Fridays.

Of course, now I don’t work, so Mondays are even sweeter! 

But even when I did work, I loved showing up to work and catching up on emails for a few hours. And then creating to-do lists for the week. I actually looked forward to getting to work on Monday mornings!

I’m a routine person, so weekends aren’t necessarily relaxing for me. I like my weekly schedule where certain evenings are filled with certain church group meetings and date nights and even TV shows. So even though I enjoy weekend time (I mean, who doesn’t?!) I feel a sense of relief when Monday morning arrives.

Mondays are a day of re-prioritizing. Of setting up tasks and goals. Of feeling re-energized from a great weekend. 

Mondays are a day of new beginnings and of starting again.

I always feel like I have so much time on Mondays. I’m not in a rush to finish anything before the weekend.

This week I’m excited for a lot of things coming up in the next few days, so Monday is a day of happy anticipation.

And on Mondays I’m thankful. I had a great weekend, and I have a lot of nice memories to reflect on.

So I guess those are the simple reasons that I like Mondays. 

I mean sometimes Monday comes too soon and I still have weekend things to finish up, which is always a bummer. But generally, Mondays are okay in my book.

And, to be honest, I’m especially encouraged by the fact that I look forward to Mondays because I find peace in the idea that I’m living a life that I’m excited about each and every week and I’m not dreading waking up in the morning, no matter what day of the week it is. I’m not wishing away time and I’m not living in the past. Or at least, that’s why my unofficial ‘diagnosis’  of my Monday-morning-loving-illness is.

Yep, it’s true, I find bliss in Monday mornings.


Do you have an “unusual” favorite day of the week?!


Cheers to beginnings!

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