We take Clara on adventures but she sleeps through them all.

Remember last week when I said I was going to post five days of the week and then I posted three days? 

Oh well, it’s the thought that counts.

Weather report: Still gorgeous in Chicago!

This past weekend was pretty wonderful. The best thing about being a stay-at-home mom is that I actually don’t even notice the weekends, except that we get to see Tim a bit more than usual, which is always a good thing.

This is what we filled our time with:

  • We visited our friends’ new home in the suburbs and ate Thai food and played Euchre and the women totally won and that was the best. Our friends have a 11.5 month old, so I was able to pick their brains about all things baby/infant. It was the perfect end to the week and beginning of the weekend!
  • We took a family trip to the Chicago Botanic Gardens. We had never been there before (even though I had been not-so-subtly hinting that I wanted to go there for the past four years now, but who’s counting?) and I absolutely loved it. We walked around looking at trees and lakes and flowers and other families and it was a nice time getting some exercise and talking about life.

In true Clara fashion, she slept through the ENTIRE trip to the gardens. All four hours of it.

  • We watched ‘Silver Linings Playbook’ and I’m still deciding if I liked it. I think I did, because I liked the ending… but it was still a bit depressing for my taste.
  • I decided we should probably always have one of these chocolate bars on hand. (I love when I fall in love with a product I get compensated to promote!)
  • We watched our beloved Bears get demolished by the Packers. I have no idea what happened in that second half, but it was not pretty.
  • We went to church where I saw some girlfriends and we saw some couple friends and were able to catch up! I love being involved enough in a church to see some familiar faces when we go to service.
  • We went on a walk/coffee date to the Ugly Mug, which is a coffee shop near our house that I love, since they have amazing smoothies.


What was the highlight of your weekend?!



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