Creating space.

The importance of creating space

Three stories from the past few days:


( 1 ) Over the weekend my (very generous) mother-in-law treated me and my sister-in-law to manicures and pedicures. Let me tell you, it was wonderful! I hadn’t had my nails done by a professional since my wedding in 2012, so it was a very special treat for me. Anyway, I was sitting in the pedicure chair when I realized how nice it is to be able to get out and just be silent for a while. Not productive, not waiting for a baby to cry, not in my house with a million item to-do list hanging over my head, just existing and getting a bit pampered with my family. It was wonderful to have that space to simply exist and time to enjoy relaxing.


( 2 ) I attended a swap party (more on this in a later post!) over the weekend and came home to an entirely rearranged apartment. Evidently Tim had gotten productive and decided to move a few pieces of furniture around so that Clara can have more room to crawl around and play. I actually couldn’t believe how much he accomplished in only a few hours! Do I love the way my apartment looks? No (and neither does he). Does it function much better? Yes. Sometimes a room functions better with less stuff in it. We needed to have a bit more space for our family and this was achieved more easily than I had thought. 


( 3 ) I’ve always wanted to try the challenge of having a capsule wardrobe, but I also know myself well enough to know that 30 items may just not happen. Instead, I decided to go through my closet aim to only keep 30 items, knowing that I’d probably be well-over that amount. After tossing shirt after shirt aside, I got down to 35 tops, with about 100 (I wish I was exaggerating) tops lying on my floor, waiting to be put into storage for the next few months. I haven’t tacked dresses, skirts, pants, accessories, shoes, or coats yet, but I’m working on it. Tops were my main problem, and I’m so, so pleased with the space I’ve created in my closet. I can see all of my shirts without digging through anything – which is a miracle in itself! Expect an update on this when I get a little further in my progress…


I’m sharing these little glimpses into my weekend because space seemed to be a reoccurring theme, and I want to pay attention to that. I want to be intentional and deliberate about the space I create in my life. I went to yoga this morning to work on creating space in my body. I’m organizing my house to create space. I’m cleaning out my closet to create space. I’m practicing intention in general to create more space in my schedule and mind. In a world that keeps telling me that fullness is better than emptiness, and that more is better than less, I’m attempting to recapture and appreciate space wherever I can.

How are you creating space in your life?


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