Quite simply, I’m glad I’m a mom.

Motherhood has been equal parts (and also simultaneously) exhausting / amazing / inspiring / confusing / trying / overwhelming / humbling / emotional / joyous.

… And most of all it has been miraculous for every moment over the past 10 months.


I’m so happy that Clara Jane arrived last year and made me a mom. Words cannot express how much joy she has brought into our lives from the very moment we found out I was pregnant, in October 2013.

Motherhood has changed me in some awesome ways and it has also taught me (more than I care to admit) about myself.

Even though some days are hard – like really freakin’ hard – becoming a mom has been the most rewarding decision of my life.


I’m still amazed at how much hair Clara had when she was born! This photo was taken a week after she was born!

I loved celebrating this new(ish) role in my life over the weekend. I’ll recap it a bit better tomorrow, but today I just wanted to say, yet again, that being a mom is the best and I’m so glad that God has entrusted me with this little person to
care for here on Earth.

I hope all you moms out there had a fantastic Mothers Day and felt extra-loved.

Over the weekend I spent extra time praying for women who are struggling with infertility and for those who have lost their moms and for those who have lost a child far too soon — Because I know holidays like this can bring joy for some but pain for others. I hope if you’re someone who felt more sadness than joy over the weekend that your burden was lifted and hope took its place.

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