We’ve been in Seattle for exactly six months, and I honestly can’t believe it.
On one hand I feel like we just left Chicago.
On the other hand I feel like we lived in Chicago a lifetime ago.
I guess that’s what happens when one chapter ends and another one begins!
All I can think, when I reflect upon these past 6 months, is that God truly has answered so many prayers for us.
We’ve found community here. We’ve found our church. We’ve been able to enjoy our neighborhood. We’ve experienced new things. We’ve spent a ton of time outdoors. We’ve watched Clara thrive. We’ve met so many new people and many of them have become friends.
I honestly, from the bottom of my heart, know that moving across the country was the right decision for our family, and I’m so glad that we were brave enough to step into the unknown and rely on God and each other to make this transition happen.
Cheers to the first six months, and for the many more adventures that await us in the PNW! I am so freakin’ excited to see what the future has in store for our family and for God’s plan for us to continue to be revealed.