Sometimes I drink green beer, because it tastes better than regular beer.

This weekend we celebrated St. Patrick’s Day in style here in Chi-town.

And by ‘style’ I mean there was really no style or class involved.

I saw drunk girls crying in bathrooms and yelling about ex-boyfriends.

We saw one man after he tried to headbutt a window and lost. An ambulance needed to be called.

He also managed to lose his shirt and shoes.

Did I mention it’s 30 degrees in Chicago?

Anyway, I managed to keep it together for the most part. Although, I know for a fact I am making a duckface in some pictures that have yet to surface. 

I hate it when that happens.


Anyway, I’ll have a better recap on Monday, because we all know this is Sunday Social day and there are questions to be answered!  Here we go…

1. What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?

I love rainy days! And Mondays. I’m starting to think I’m a glutton for punishment… Anyway, my favorite things to do would have to be blogging, reading, or shopping (all done while drinking Pinot Noir). 

2. What is your favorite thing to do on a Summer weekend?

Are we talking about summer already?!  There’s still a bit of snow on the ground in Chicago! Let’s fast-forward a few months, shall we? I love Lollapalooza and every time I go it’s usually my favorite weekend of the summer.  On a typical summer weekend I enjoy riding my bike, drinking outside, playing with our little Monster, laying outside with a good book, and watching movies in parks with friends. (I’m starting to feel like I’m filling out an online dating profile. Thank goodness those days are over!)

3. What is your favorite Spring accessory?

Scarves and light jackets. One can never have too many of either of those – And I will not allow anyone to tell me otherwise! (Hear that, Husband?!)

4. What is your favorite way to spend a winter day?

In Chicago the whole winter season isn’t so great. (If you’ve heard otherwise, you should stop hanging out with liars.) So, I prefer to either leave the Midwest to go skiing in Colorado or maybe go to Africa on a safari or something like that.

5. What is your favorite season and why?

Fall! It will always bring memories of cross country season in high school, running a few marathons, marrying my best friend, and celebrating Thanksgiving. I love Thanksgiving.

6. What was the best birthday you ever had?

Well, when I was 7 my mom rented a pony for me and my friends to ride around on, how can you beat that?!  

But truthfully, I’m one of those people who don’t really like their birthdays. Crazy, right?! All-in-all, I’ve had some surprise parties, some nice dinners, some vacations, a few drunken celebrations that my friends and I still love to laugh about… and last year I even got a gigantic cupcake! Really though, I’m a very blessed girl every day, whether it’s my birthday or not!


And now you know a little bit more about me. (Probably more than you ever wished to know! The internet is great like that).

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