… and that’s all I have to say about that.

I married a conservative man (at least politically). Yep, hard to believe but true! Actually, I’m not sure the Husband would have labeled himself at all, but he grew up in the country and owns guns and is very traditional in most ways – so let’s go ahead and call him conservative.


See? We totally got married.

Truth be told, he doesn’t follow politics and never has, which I wanted to change immediately.

So, we started talking more about political issues. It helps that I get quite fired up about some of the things that are happening in our country and always have an opinion to share! I’m blessed to have married a kind man who is a rock-star listener, even if he doesn’t necessarily agree and has called me ‘bat shit crazy’ a few too many times. 

Well since this is a particularly feisty time in American politics, I thought I would share some of my views about three of the ‘hottest’ topics today. I’m not sharing these to engage in debate, but as more of a way to share some thoughts. These are the quick ‘n’ dirty explanations:

I believe in legalized abortion. I think women’s bodies are magical and wonderful and that women should have the right to control their own bodies. I think it’s easy to say that if a woman is dumb enough to get pregnant (Catholic school guilt… it stays with me!) then she should be forced to have the child. However, we all make mistakes. People get pregnant unintentionally (I know this because I watch Teen Mom). Sometimes women choose to have the baby and it’s wonderful because they embrace the pregnancy and decide to love the child. Other times, the woman does not want to be pregnant for 9 months, does not want to be sick/tired/restricted from doing certain things and most-definitely does not want to be a mom for the rest of her life to a child she may or may not be able or ready to care for. In this case, I don’t believe in the least bit that the government should be able to force a woman to go through with a pregnancy. A woman should not be forced to use her body as an incubator for human life because she (and a man) made a mistake, and especially if she was the victim of sexual assault that caused a pregancy. I don’t think we’d be having this same conversation if it were men who were getting knocked up.

I believe we should have stricter gun laws. Who needs to own an automatic weapon, anyway?! Who cares if we have additional background checks? I don’t even understand why this issue causes so many people to get upset. 

And, because everyone else is discussing it… I believe in the greatness of marriage in general, not only marriage that’s between a man and a woman. I mean, marriage is pretty good for society, and I think more people should do it! We know from statistics that less people are getting married, so I say that anyone who wants to get married should be allowed to do so. For people who use ‘Defend Marriage’ as an anti- gay-marriage rallying cry, I would respond that gay people getting married are not a threat to my marriage. If the government wants to protect marriage, they might think about making adultery illegal (and can you imagine THAT trying to go through the courts?!).

I should probably mention that I’m Christian and the Husband and I are quite involved in our church through service and attending small groups regularly. The views I have are definitely not held by the church we belong to, so I can appreciate the opposite viewpoints and the Christian stance on these issues, even if I don’t agree. I believe that there are certain actions that can be morally wrong but should still be legal. For instance: adultery, abortion, etc.

So, that’s all I have to say about that 🙂

Friday is just around the corner…


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