If I don’t write a weekend recap does that mean that the weekend keeps going? No? Damn.

It’s Sunday night and I really don’t want to write a recap of the weekend because that would imply that the weekend is over and we all know that we aren’t ready for that nonsense.

Wah, wah, wah, I don’t want to go to work, wah.

Ok, I’m glad I got that out of my system. I’m ready to talk Derby/Cinco de Mayo weekend now.

Basically, I did nothing for either of those two events.

Moving on.

I worked from home on Friday, so three cheers for that! 

My day involved using four computers. No one needs four laptops in their house, much less on their kitchen counter, but there I found myself. With wine.

I blame the Husband (for the surplus of computers, not the drinking). But as a nice bonus, he was able to take a half day to work from home, too, so we were able to work side by side.

Insert an ‘awwwww…’ here. It was sweet – in a nerdy way.

The Monster had a good weekend. It involved sitting outside in the sunshine, looking at the view from our porch, and sitting on the couch and barking at everything that moved.

His job is extra-hard because we live on a busy street and everything is always  moving. It’s not easy to be him, as he often reminds me.

Mr. Squirrel also lost his tail over the weekend in an aggressive game of tug-of-war. Our Monster didn’t know what to do and kept bringing us both pieces of the squirrel (body and tail) one at a time until we finally hid the tail. RIP, Mr. Squirrel.

The rest of my weekend involved gummy fruits, sitting in the sunshine and drinking Angry Orchard, painting my nails bright colors, and wearing white – even though it’s totally before Memorial Day.

I’m such a rebel.

Not in photos… everything I did outside of our apartment. Total blogger fail, per usual. I’m still getting in the habit of taking pictures of absolutely everything. Blogger-in-training, over here. I’ll just summarize the highlights, mainly to prove that I am social and don’t just sit around drinking by myself (although there is nothing wrong with that).

  • We had a great time with friends cheering on the Blackhawks in the second game of the Playoffs. I love living in a hockey town because the bar we went to was loud and fun and full of cheering and yelling, as it should be during a hockey game!
  • I got a massage and it was awesome… per usual. Except just as I was getting into my ‘relaxing mode’ the background music changed to a song that was used in the Titanic soundtrack. There is nothing, I repeat NOTHING relaxing about a sinking ship. So after that I couldn’t stop replaying the movie in my head and I almost started to cry. I’ll blame the hormones.
  • I watched the Derby, obviously.
  • I went to the Husband’s men’s league hockey game, which isn’t always the most exciting thing, BUT… my man scored a goal and looked good doing it. And I got ‘wife’ points for going to support the team.
  • We went to one of my favorite restaurants in the city (Siena Tavern) with some of our best friends. I had tequila in honor of Cinco de Mayo, so that kind of counts as celebrating, right?! Even though the restaurant was Italian?

Basically, it was an awesome weekend with some time to relax, some time to socialize, some time to drink, and there was a lot of eating.


… And now onto Monday. It’s going to be a good week, though, I just know it!

*I’m linking up with Sami for ‘Weekend Shenanigans’ today!*



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