Battling anxiety with thankfulness.

You know those people who only seem to stress about things they can’t control?

I’m one of those people.

For example: On my wedding day I worried about the weather. I worried about travel problems. I worried about other people and if they would have fun. 

Did I worry about the bijillions of choices I was actually in charge of making? Heck no! Generally, if I can control it, I don’t worry about it.

And as I get older, it seems like there are more and more things that happen that I have almost zero control over! Health stuff, job stuff, family stuff… LIFE stuff! It all just happens and I’m stuck knowing that I can rarely affect the outcome and I just have to control my reaction to things happening around me or to me. 

And that sucks, darnit!

I’m not a patient person and I don’t like simply reacting to things around me. But alas, I have realized time and time again that sometimes things are just going to happen, and that’s it.

And this is one of the reasons why faith is so important to me, because I can raise my worries up to God and know that I don’t even have to think about them anymore, because He already has it under control.

This definitely puts my mind at ease. (Or at least helps me get to fall asleep at night!)

But this is the time of year to ‘forget’ a little about our troubles and stresses and instead focus on the things in life that we’re thankful for. And that is why I absolutely love the Thanksgiving season! Around this time of year I feel very encouraged and convicted to put my life into perspective and to not dwell on the smaller stuff and I’m especially trying not to dwell on things I can’t control!

I, for one, am very aware that I am unbelievably blessed.

Sure there are things in my life that I wish I could change, but I am absolutely happy with where I am right now and my little family and the ‘big picture’ of my life as a whole.

The days might feel long but the months and even years are just flying by!


Today I’m (especially) thankful for:

  • New (little) friends.
  • Tailored jeans.
  • Football season.
  • Days I don’t even need to get dressed/put on pants.
  • The first snowfall.
  • The Husband working from home today.
  • Friendsgiving.
  • Boot season.
  • Hot chocolate with marshmallows.
  • Love.
  • New pillows.


Is there anything you’re especially thankful for right-this-very-moment?!


Cheers to the many blessings we overlook each day!

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