I realize that I’m probably supposed to be preparing for 2014 on this blog by recapping 2013 or talking about resolutions or things like that… but I think you all know I’m a bit of a huge procrastinator, so I’m going to recap our Christmas holiday instead.
And then for the rest of the week (at least this is the plan as of today) I’ll celebrate the New Year by coming up with my resolutions and recapping 2013 and all of that good stuff.
But let me just add (in honor of it being NYE), that I am so ready for 2014. Odd number years and me just don’t get along and I am excited to see what this new year will have in store!
Highlights from the holidays last few weeks of 2013:
- The Husband’s birthday gift came within minutes of us walking out the door to go to the suburbs for the few days. PHEW. I earned major wife points by giving him his gift on his actual birthday. (Actually, I think he thought this was the way it should be and didn’t actually award me any additional wife points.)
- … But I lost wife points when his birthday card didn’t arrive until the 30th. Major fail. But even though it was 6 days late, at least it was personalized!
- We celebrated the Husband’s birthday with his family and then transitioned to celebrating Christmas Eve with his family after dinner. (His birthday is the 24th, so we split the day between birthday and Christmas Eve.)
- I saw my best friend, her son, her boyfriend, and her family on Christmas Eve. She lives in St. Louis but was home for the holidays, and I absolutely love spending time with her very-welcoming family.
- My mom went all out and bought us each an insane amount of presents. She still makes sure we all get the same amount of presents, and the Husband is (of course) included in this (she doesn’t do couples’ gifts) so we made out like bandits. I think in total we got seven pairs of shoes… among a bijillion other things. Spoiled rotten.
We were trying to pose for a partial family/dog picture when my brother’s dog (brother not pictured) lunged at me and got snot all over my face. I was sooo grossed out and immediately wiped it all off on my new Lululemon pants. My mom clearly thought this whole thing was hilarious. So gross.
- I made two types of cupcakes – One batch was snickerdoodle and one was eggnog. They were a big hit!
- We spent Christmas night with my Dad and his girlfriend’s extended family, which was nice (and delicious! They had a whole spread of great food).
This picture is proof that I attempted to look decent for at least one family gathering this year!
- The day after Christmas we slept in way too late. And then we played 5 hours straight of Cranium
. It was hilarious!
- That night I saw two of my best friends from high school. Catching up with old and dear friends is one of my favorite parts of the holidays.
- Then of course, the TV watching commenced. I wish I could say it was college football bowl games… but nope, Breaking Bad and Orange is the New Black were my shows of choice. For days.
- I did no work. Even though I think I’m supposed to be working. Employee fail! Luckily, they pay me per hour (and I’m supposed to be working from home if I’m available) so my guilt is largely alleviated.
So much love!
- On Sunday the Husband and I made the trek to Indiana to see one of my best friends (in town from DC!) and her family. The main event… the Bears vs. Packers game! I don’t need to tell you that the Bears lost in a heartbreaking and stupid game. But, the worst part is that my friend and her family are PACKERS fans, and there is nothing worse than being surrounded by the enemy when I was already suffering from the loss. Sigh.
- I managed to send out Christmas New Years cards in time for NYE (I think….) so I’m considering that a win.
And that’s what we’ve been up to! Phew, now we’re all caught up, what a relief!
I hope you had a marvelous holiday season and are looking forward to a year of new beginnings and new resolutions and adventures and travels and all things good in the world!
Cheers to the last post of 2013!