If this blogging thing gets boring, I may just become a model in my free time.

If there is one thing I truly enjoy, it’s looking at photographs.

I love, love, love going through old pictures and remembering ‘the good times.’

And I love going through recent pictures and realizing how many memories we’ve recently created.

And I love seeing pictures of loved ones and seeing how happy they are.

I actually even love looking at pictures of strangers and trying to imagine the situation surrounding the photo.

I make scrapbooks* of each year that the Husband and I have known each other (three books and counting!) and I’m sure one day I will get around to creating scrapbooks of our wedding and honeymoon. Pictures are definitely something I treasure!

* Wait, is it still a scrapbook if I mean I go online and design a photobook from Shutterfly? Let’s just say yes.

Anyway, I decided that I wanted professional pictures of me and the Husband each year of our relationship. I figure, it will be nice for holiday cards plus, hopefully it will show our growing family. Not to mention, it will be sure to fill up a few pages of the scrapbook with something other than iPhone pictures! (Yes, I do have a DSLR camera, but somehow, we still have more selfies than ‘real’ pictures. Go figure.)

So we started at ‘Year 0’ (our wedding) and this year, before I knew it, it was already our one year anniversary and it was time for professional pictures again!

Since my brother did our engagement pictures and our wedding pictures went by in a total blur, this was our first time actually posing for pictures with a ‘real’ (stranger) photographer! And let me tell you, it was amazing. Giedre of Walking Dot Photography did a fantastic job and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her or use her again in years to come! Let me assure you, I am SUPER awkward normally, especially while trying to ‘pose’ for pictures, and she made me feel much more normal and laid back about the whole thing. Plus, the Husband and I genuinely had a great time! 

We went to the Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary (which we had never been to before) and it was such a gorgeous place for pictures. Love, love, love.

Now, onto the pictures…

This was the one we used for our holiday card this year:

Walking Dot Photography, Couples Photography in Chicago

 And if you saw our little pregnancy announcement, this picture looks familiar! We put it inside our holiday cards (with some text) and it’s how we announced that we’re pregnant to our out-of-town family/friends.

Walking Dot Photography, Couples Photography in Chicago

I absolutely love any picture that includes the Chicago skyline. This is truly a city that we love and is very much ‘home’ to us. It’s where we met, where we fell in love, where we got engaged, and it will be where we welcome our first little one!

I thought about using this picture as our pregnancy announcement: 

Walking Dot Photography, Couples Photography in Chicago

(But then I thought it was a little too ‘intimate’ for a holiday card.)

I like to think this is how I always gaze at the Husband:

Walking Dot Photography, Couples Photography in Chicago

 But I have a feeling I usually look more annoyed/exasperated/tired/etc.

 This is actually the look I most associate with the Husband, laughter:

Walking Dot Photography, Couples Photography in Chicago

 I can’t even believe this was taken in the city of Chicago… Little did we know there were groups of trees in the city… it’s like an entire mini-forest! 

Walking Dot Photography, Couples Photography in Chicago

Getting personal in nature! I seriously can’t get enough of this picture. The ‘plants’ (do they have a more official name?! I’m a city girl – I don’t know things like this), the partial skyline, me and my man, love… Perfection.

Walking Dot Photography, Couples Photography in Chicago

There is no place I’m more comfortable than with the Husband. This much I know for sure.

Also, I’m especially proud of my tan feet in this picture (below). Evidently the rest of me paled out in the fall, but my feet were holding on strong to that summer color!

Walking Dot Photography, Couples Photography in Chicago

 And this picture I used on the back of our third year photobook:

Walking Dot Photography, Couples Photography in Chicago

I think this picture in particular expresses us right now. Looking forward to the future.

Life is so good and we are blessed beyond measure.

Don’t worry, I’m not quitting my day job to be a model anytime soon. (Maybe if I were a foot taller… among other things!) But, I really did enjoy my hour or so as a ‘model’ with the Husband! We had a blast and I seriously cannot thank Giedre enough for the amazing work she did.

(And when you see these photos over and over again on this blog, just pretend you’ve never seen them before. We won’t have good pictures of us again for another year!)

Cheers to celebrating milestones!

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