Things I love: Q&A 5 Year Journal


Q&A A Day – 5 Year Journal

I love to journal. I have a pregnancy journal. A regular journal. And now (thanks to a thoughtful gift from a good friend) I have a 5-Year Journal

I really like the idea of this journal because it has a prompt each day, and the idea is that on the same day each year, for five years, you write your response and see how you’ve grown or changed over the half decade the journal records. Some of the questions are more thought provoking than others, but all require only a sentence or two response, which I really like.

I write in this journal each and every night before bed, and I cannot wait until next year when I can compare my responses!

I received this gift at the beginning of the year, but I also think it’d be a perfect birthday gift, so that a loved one (or yourself!) can start the journal at a brand new age and continue it on so that each year starts on the next birthday.

Notice how the dates begin with “20___”  so the writer can fill in the appropriate year.



  • There are no dates (years, at least) pre-written in the journal, making it possible to start on any day of the year.
  • The prompts are easy to answer.
  • It’s a great gift idea for any blogging/writing/journaling friends or family members.
  • It forces the owner to write a little bit ever day. (I know that in my regular journal sometimes I slack for quite a few days/weeks in between entries).
  • Allows writer to look back really easily over 5 years to see the changes that have taken place.
  • Is small and easy to bring on trips or anywhere else.


  • The prompts are not very ‘deep’ or thought provoking, so this is not the way to see life-changing transformations over the years.
  • There is not enough space to write more than a few sentences under each of the prompts, so this would not take the place of a ‘normal’ journal.




* I was not at all compensated or asked to review this product, I just genuinely love it and thought other people might want to know about it, too! However, if you are a business owner interested in having me review your product, let me know!


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