Making the best of ‘me time’ (+ Palm Breeze)

One of the things that I find the most fun and challenging about being a mom is that our schedules are always changing. Luckily, I thrive on change!

Take last week for example. Last week Clara was on her ‘normal’ nap schedule of 2 naps per day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

Then over the weekend we were busy and kind of caused her to skip her morning nap. Well, when we tried to put her back down for her morning nap this week, she was having none of it. So, we kept skipping it.

Now, after almost a week of her not taking two naps per day, I think I can officially say I think she dropped her first nap! This would be awesome news and a total game changer for us… we’d be able to leave the house in the morning… yay!! Of course, it also cuts my ‘free time’ in half – wah wah.

I’ve come to appreciate my free time now more than ever. During the day I get about 90 minutes to myself, most of which I spend cleaning up the house and shoving my face full of food. Then in the evenings I get a blissful few hours to myself, and that’s when I can really get things done.

It’s tempting to sit down and watch endless hours of TV once Clara goes to bed, but I’ve been filling my time with a few other things, like…

  • Spending quality time with Tim.
  • Painting my nails.
  • Exercising.
  • Walking around the block with Ozzie.
  • Chatting with girlfriends on the phone.
  • Blogging and/or reading blogs.
  • Finding recipes.
  • Listening to podcasts.
  • Editing pictures.
  • Planning hypothetical vacations (well alright, this isn’t as productive as some of the other things I’ve mentioned…)

Palm Breeze_Reading

And the thing that has been consuming most of my ‘me time’: READING. I’ve been reading about 2 books per week lately, and I can’t wait to share some of my favorite reads with you (in a later post)! There is nothing I enjoy more than sitting outside on my patio with a good book, coupled with a good drink (obviously). Sometimes I even spoil myself and forgo doing housework during Clara’s afternoon nap so I can enjoy some peace and additional sunshine until sounds from the baby monitor break my silence and call me back into the house for mom duty.

Palm Breeze (1 of 1)-2

My beverage of choice lately has been Palm Breeze. It’s sweet, it’s carbonated, and it tastes great chilled, which means it is perfect for summer days. Plus, I can drink it straight from the can so it’s easy and ready whenever I sit down to enjoy it. It doesn’t taste alcoholic which is both wonderful and a bit dangerous, so I stick to one during my ‘mommy happy hour’.

Making the most out of 'me time' with Palm BreezeMaking the most out of 'me time' with Palm Breeze

[Confession: When I originally tried out this drink I finished the drinks I had bought for this (sponsored) post and had to buy more so that I could actually take some pictures!]

I honestly think there is something so rewarding about treating myself to an adult beverage after a day of doing totally non-adult things. It’s nice to remind myself that I’m a grown-up by filling my head with great stories while simultaneously filling my tummy with a liquid treat.

Palm Breeze_Happy Hour

Ah, sometime this grown-up thing isn’t half bad, especially in the summer!

Of course, now that I have this ‘routine’ down, something will change and it will all be up in the air again! But for now, you can find me either chasing around a one-year-old or sitting down, with my feet up, book open, and beverage in hand.

What is your favorite way to unwind?

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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