My (crazy pregnancy) hormones have been all over the place lately, but today they’re on an upswing, so let’s take advantage of that and think of all things happy and positive – shall we?
10 Things I’m Loving Right Now:
– This book.
– Pineapple. Tim bought this and now we eat an entire pineapple every single day.
– The extra hour of sunlight we’re enjoying now! Yay Daylight Savings Time! Today we had sunlight until 7pm and I’m not complaining, not at all.
– All of the stretchiest clothes in the world. Especially these maternity jeans.
– The chocolate-covered apples and strawberries that my MIL gifted me as a surprise earlier this week. I think chocolate-covered fruit is one of my love languages.
– Tea. All of the tea. (Although, to be honest, it’s a poor substitute for wine after a long day.)
– This nail polish color.
– The new Bachelorette.
– Being closer and closer to meeting ‘Baby Beni’ and finding out whether I’m going to be the mom of two girls or a girl and a boy! I absolutely love not knowing the gender of this baby yet – it’s keeping me in such great suspense!
– Fresh flowers, especially tulips. (Hinting, per usual, Tim!)
*Linking up with Karli today!
What are you loving right now?