If I had a few child-free hours today, I’d invite you to coffee/tea to catch up on life. Nothing would make me happier than some friend time!
During this coffee date…
I would order a Chai latte (obviously) or possibly a cherry blossom frapp if we were at Starbucks. I almost never order frapps, but since I’m about 9 months pregnant I feel like I should be enjoying some guilt-free indulging.
I would say that I’m 36 weeks pregnant and it’s starting to hit me that this is really going to happen. Like, I’m going to have another child. And I’m going to need to go through this whole labor and delivery thing again. And the newborn phase again. And we still haven’t done much to prepare, but the arrival of Baby Beni is definitely sneaking up on me in a hurry!
I would tell you that I’ve had a cold the last few days (thanks, Clara!) and am taking it as a reminder of how important rest is, especially this month. I will not feel guilty for resting, I will not feel guilty for resting… (is what I’m repeating to myself as often as it’s needed.)
I would share that my little family had a mini-babymoon this past weekend and we went to Leavenworth & Suncadia and it was a wonderful few days. For our first babymoon Tim & I went to Europe (and it was amazing) but this weekend trip was about Clara and spending time with her while she’s still an only child. We had a blast playing in the snow, hiking, eating, and laughing a lot together.
I would also complain that there are about a bijillion pics of Tim and Clara from our trip away, and almost none of me – typical! (Guess who’s in charge of the family picture taking?!) I just hope Clara knows that I participated in her childhood, too!
I stand corrected, Tim did take at least one pic of me from the trip! Look how much fun I’m having with the family! Sigh.
I would ask you if you’ve been watching March Madness and how your bracket is doing. I would tell you that every year I watch as many games as possible, and this year has been no exception. I love the upsets and the buzzer beating shots!
I would ask you what the date is (I never remember the date) and then would be shocked when I realized I turn 30 in less than two weeks. Wow, time flies!
I would tell you that Clara is miraculously 95% potty trained, without us really needing to do anything. I’m honestly amazed at how easy it was, since I have no idea what I’m doing in this area. Thank goodness for advice from friends and some maternal intuition! Knock on wood – it looks like I won’t have two kids in diapers after all!
I would admit that I’m tired again. Like, really worn out. And that I’m probably still too busy but I don’t want to stop doing things because I know everything is going to be harder once Baby Beni arrives, and I’m trying to take advantage of the ‘freedom’ I have now. And I’m also enjoying having my boobs to myself – I’m definitely appreciating that.
How was your weekend?! What’s on your mind today?