Moving on up (2 miles north)

On Tuesday the packers came.

On Wednesday the movers came.

And today we woke up in our new (to us!) house.

We had been at our last rental for 11 months and made a fairly quick decision to leave… for a lot of reasons. The construction going on about 2 feet from our house didn’t help. And I mean it was actually 2 feet away.

Moving Day

We looked at a total of ONE house for about 10 minutes before making the decision to move there and I was a little concerned that I wouldn’t love it once we moved in. (Like trying on a wedding dress to get alterations months after you bought it… it’s like ‘wait, this doesn’t look like I remember it!’)

BUT, so far, I LOVE IT.

I get a walk-in closet! An en suite! My pajamas fit in my bedroom so I don’t need to get ready for bed in Tim’s office! The girls have a basement to play in! We have a yard! We have an attached garage! There’s a coat closet!

Our last family pic in front of our first Seattle house!

Our last move was really stressful because the house just didn’t work for us, but this house… this house is going to be just fine. I’m so relieved. All of my anxiety about whether or not to spend the money to move has kind of melted away and I feel that we truly made the right decision for our family.

I’m ready for a new start, new memories, and new adventures in this neighborhood.

Today I unpacked while listening to the entire Hamilton soundtrack on repeat.

I plan to do more of the same tomorrow. 


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