We’ve got plenty of holiday spirit around our house, with a side of a stomach bug.
Over the weekend I went to tax training (I volunteer to do taxes for low-income families each year and this year I had to learn a new software) and throughout the day I felt more and more tired… by that night I had full chills and was throwing up – it was lovely. Then in the morning I woke up fine but Tim was sick. Then, of course, he was fine the next day but Clara was sick. And now (on Tuesday) I think we’ve finally all recovered but are still a bit out of it.
Isabelle has been a trooper throughout this whole ordeal – I credit breastfeeding! – but she’s not exactly helpful around the house.
We still managed to go to our small group Christmas party – which was super fun! And we’ve been keeping busy watching ‘Frosty’ and making playdough and listening to Christmas carols and I’ve been addressing approximately a bijillion Christmas cards…*
*I actually enjoy this activity, even though it takes forever, because it gives me a chance to reflect on so many friendships and relationships I’ve developed over the past few decades! Such treasures!
I still have cards to send out and some gifts I’d like to buy and other gifts I want to make and goodies to bake and some fun activities I’d like to do as a family and some cute pictures to take… so!much!goodness! but it might not all get done and I’m deciding that’s okay.
In this season of having two small babes, I’ve decided that as long as they feel like Christmas is a time of celebration and love and festive happenings and parties (even though Clara is under the impression that every party is a birthday party for Frosty) and decorations and hopefully they will even learn a thing or two about the birth of Jesus, then I’m considering it all a win.
Now wish me luck as I head to the post office…