1) Oh hey, terrible twos! Isabelle has started screaming like a little crazy person if she even hears the word ‘no’, from anyone. Like if a friend tells her ‘no’ on the playground, the world may just be ending because Isabelle will LOSE IT. It’s the kind of screaming that should only happen if someone is causing her bodily harm, but she likes to use it often. Wish me luck getting through this phase!
2) Last week was our final week of MOPS for the year! I co-coordinate one of the Seattle chapters of Mothers of Preschoolers and have truly loved my experience serving this ministry. And I’ll be doing it again this next year! If you’re the mom of a kid ages newborn – kindergarten, I cannot recommend this group enough! Look into them and see if there’s a group who meets in your area. It’s a wonderful way to meet some mom friends!
3) Aaptiv. Are you using this app yet?! I use it for quick strength training exercises when I can’t leave my house (naptime!) or even for motivation during a few miles of outdoor running. I just can’t seem to motivate myself to exercise ‘alone’, so this virtual coach thing really helps me!
4) This has been a week. Like A WEEK. Do you know what I mean? All short weeks basically feel 18x longer than normal weeks and I can’t explain it but it’s just a fact. It hasn’t helped that Tim has had a few very long days at work, which means I’ve had a few very long days with my little bosses tyrants daughters. If you saw my Instastories yesterday, you saw that they put a hole into the bathroom wall (with toy hammers) while I was cleaning up after lunch. Sigh.
5) Before I forget, we had such a good long weekend last weekend! We went hiking with friends, we went hiking by ourselves, we went to friends’ houses for dinners and barbecues, and we played at the park with Oz and the girls and enjoyed the sunshine. Overall, we were spoiled by wonderful weather and I’m ready for summer to start now! Which is happening, kind of, because Clara’s last day of school was this week and her end-of-the-year party is today! Let summer commence.