The week was a blur. I just know there were cookies involved.

To be honest, I’m friggen exhausted this week. And especially today.

We have family coming into town for the weekend (yay!) and last night we picked our brother-in-law up from the airport and I was up until 1am and then this morning I still got my butt in gear to go to the gym to do lots of lunges. 100s of lunges, actually. With a barbell. My booty better be looking phenomenal in my jeans this weekend, is all I have to say about that.

But it was a great week filled with church groups and friends and happiness and all things good in the world. Mainly the color teal, this week was filled with a lot of teal.

Anyway, allow me to break my week down for you. — But if you followed me on Instagram, you would be able to stalk my week in REAL TIME. Just sayin’.

(PS, before I go any further, let me just say that if this post seems chaotic and scattered, it’s not you, it’s me. And I’m trying to chug caffeine so that I start making sense soon, but I just can’t make any promises. Tired brain is definitely worse than wine brain.)

In Food News:

  • COOKIES! Who the heck do I think I am?! Betty Crocker?! Guys, I made two batches of cookies this week. Two.batches. That almost doubles my lifetime total. And they are delicious.
  • Gummy penguins. Trader Joes sells gummy penguins and they are life changing. The Husband and I bought three bags on Sunday thinking our guests would enjoy them this weekend. Total fail. I We ate the entire three bags in 2 days. Oh the shame. And now we have no candy for our guests. But I do have cookies, so I hope that suffices.

In Fashion News:

  • The Tory Burch fairy (aka FedEx) came to my apartment and dropped off two beautiful purses. I bought a wristlet and a crossbody bag and am in love. Ummm, plus did I mention I got them for free because I used my $300 gift card that I got through a giveaway?! I am officially the biggest fan of giveaways. I’m assuming haters just haven’t won yet 😉 
  • This week was all about bright colors. But I am not a fashion blogger so I just took a pic of my pink pants and bright toe nails. Because spring is all about the colors and while I can’t match, I can wear as many bright colors as can fit on my body. I like to think I’m doing it right.
  • OH, and those sweet new shoes? Those are my new Reebok Crossfit Nanos. Yep, I finally took the plunge and bought ‘real’ weight-lifting shoes. I think that means I officially made the switch from runner to lifter. WHOA.


  • When the sidewalk offers me advice, I always take it.
  • The sign at my work wants me to protect my head. This seems a bit strange since all I do is sit at a computer all day! I guess my brain is pretty valuable… (but no, really the sign is there because our office moved and the building we moved into is going under some construction. Meaning at all times of day and through all conference calls there is always some sort of jackhammering going on in the background. I don’t know what a jackhammer actually is, but there is some loud and destructive-sounding noise around us at all times. Like I need additional distractions besides Twitter.)

Leaving you with a recent favorite of mine… (and linking up with Whitney!)


Anything Could Happen by Ellie Goulding on Grooveshark


Cheers to a great week and looking forward to an even better weekend!

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