Thinking of all things warm and lovely.

It’s Valentine’s Day and a Friday! Which (I’m assuming) means that most people in a relationship are happy because it can be date night without work the next day, and most single people are either planning nights out with single friends or are planning on drinking a lot of wine and binge watching TV. That’s what I’d be doing if I was single and not-knocked up! That actually sounds so, so good right now. I may do exactly that tonight. Except I may invite the Husband to my Olympic binge watching session and also maybe the little Monster and I’ll probably sip on some ginger ale instead of wine… but I might get all crazy and drink it from a wine glass. 

I’m living the high life over here! 

But it’s Friday at last and I know I have an extra pep in my step!

Friday Fours, coming up!




Four thoughts from this week

  • I have been waiting for an order from JCrew for WEEKS. I mean, seriously. I remember that when I placed the order some items weren’t in stock so they said I should expect the package in February. Last night I go online to check the order and realized that the order never actually happened. I went to the JCrew website and the items were still in my shopping cart. Ummm what?! I also checked my credit card statement and of course, nothing showed up there either. How did I imagine this whole ordering thing taking place?! Don’t worry, now the items have been ordered and should be here soon. Happy Valentine’s Day to me!
  • Work will be busy then not busy then busy again… I prefer busy. I have far too much time to think and waste at my computer when I don’t actually have work things to do. Although, on the bright side, if I’m able to work from home I quite like not having anything to do!
  • I’m obsessed with all of the Valentine’s Day cards on Etsy (and really everything on Etsy, to be honest) and wish I could buy 80 trillion of them. Maybe I will and I’ll just give the Husband a card every single day this year. He deserves it for putting up with me…. right?!
  • Guys, I know this is shocking, but it is STILL WINTER in Chicago. And I’m cold. And so, so tired of putting on my 18 layers just to go outside to walk Ozzie or commute to work or whatever. And the people of Chicago aren’t even complaining about the weather anymore, which is how you know we’ve all officially been defeated. I’m just tired of winter, can it be spring again now?! Pretty please?


Four pregnancy notes

  • Baby registry – DONE! (Well, I still need to get some approval from baby-rearing friends, but it’s mostly done.) A large part of the registry consists of baby books I want to read before this little guy/gal makes his/her appearance in the world, so I think I’m either doing something very right or very wrong with this whole registry / preparing for baby thing.
  • We go in for our 20 week ultrasound today. While most people just view this as an exciting time because they get to find out the gender, we aren’t finding out the gender so I’m kind of just in an anxious state of ‘gosh I hope this baby is healthy!’ without the excitement of finding out happy news. This is the only downside (that I’ve encountered so far) of deciding not to learn what the gender is ahead of time.
  • My baby bump is looking more pregnant and less like I ate a hamburger! Now I’m wishing I had taken more skinny ‘before’ pictures. At the time I thought they were boring but now I’m all like ‘darnit, now I have nothing to compare this darn bump to!’ (I started taking belly pictures around week 17, when there was actually something to see in that region.)
  • WE’RE HALFWAY THERE!! (Unless the doctor tells us something we don’t know at our appointment today and changes the due date on us.) Although, I don’t really consider us halfway through this pregnancy because really, we didn’t know we were pregnant until 4 weeks in (still super-early!) and so it FEELS like I’ve only been pregnant 16 weeks and I won’t be full term until… what is it? 36 weeks? So really, we have 20 weeks (if not 24 weeks) to go and have 16 weeks behind us. Confused yet?


Four links (that are too good not to share)

  • On which state you actually belong in (via Buzzfeed)


Four posts you may have missed

  • The simple things that I am overly-excited about today. (Mon)
  • I’m glad I no longer need to figure out how to wield a knife in self defense. (Tues)
  • On constantly waiting for the next ‘big thing’. (Wed)



* Sidenote – I’m looking for decorative prints to put on walls and shelves of the apartment we’ll soon be moving into, so if you have any favorite Etsy stores (or better yet, if you own one) let me know! There are just so many cute things on that site. So, so many cute things.

I hope you all have a wonderful day celebrating all things love(ly)!


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