Cozy things and interesting links

three favorites

this sweater. this mug. this beanie.


// My new favorite site that I should really listen to. (here)

// “Simple living doesn’t mean we untether from the material world: as Tsh defines it, simple living means that we live holistically within our life’s purpose. There is room there for you, sentimental friends. And now I have learned that this holds true in our homes and in our spirits, we aren’t required to toss everything we were taught or given. As we grow and change, we become more fully ourselves, and there is room to honour and hold space for the precious and the meaningful, even as you evolve in your beliefs, your home, and your life.” (here)

// “Something I forget a lot, and have to remind myself about a lot: I’m not on my way somewhere. This moment isn’t just a stepping stone to get to another place. It’s the destination. I’m already here.” (here)

// “But keeping busy creates days that are full, not days that are fulfilling. That’s not a journey, that’s a carousel. When I stood in front of that calendar with Owen in my arms and Abigail hanging on my knees I realized: I hadn’t been filling my days with meaning, I’d just been passing the time.” (here)

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

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