Can I tell you about my day yesterday?
At midnight our Airbnb guests arrived. Even though I sent them detailed instructions about letting themselves in through the side door, they still came to our front door, which caused Ozzie to go into a frenzy. At midnight. I swear, when it isn’t the girls waking me up, it’s my other ‘kid’!
Then the same guests called Tim’s cell phone (a little after midnight) to clarify the street parking signs in our neighborhood. Let me just say that if you’re an Airbnb guest, you probably shouldn’t call the hosts in the middle of the night unless it’s an emergency. Especially if the hosts happen to be sleep deprived parents of two small children.
Isabelle woke up at 4:45am (which I actually wasn’t complaining about because she slept over 9 hours straight)!
Clara woke up at 6:30am with a LOT of energy.
Tim left for work at around 7:30am, leaving me to help Clara finish her breakfast.
By 9am I managed to get both girls and myself dressed. Plus, Clara had finished breakfast and gotten cleaned up, so I was feeling like Supermom!
But then I turned my back for 3 seconds and found Clara giving her doll a bath in the sink.
Then, our Airbnb guests texted to ask if they could have 100 grams of sugar.
I stopped what I was doing (pouring breastmilk into freezer bags) and started ‘researching’ Googling how many grams are in a tablespoon. When I looked up I realized Clara had taken my permanent marker and was drawing all over the kitchen counters. She was so proud of her art but I wasn’t exactly sharing her enthusiasm.
Well, I obviously stopped what I was doing to clean the counters.
I finished cleaning, poured the breastmilk into the bags, took the sugar downstairs, and then heard Isabelle crying (having just woken up from her nap).
I ran upstairs to get Isabelle, changed her and put her on my boob, helped Clara to go potty, cleaned her toddler potty, read her a few books, and then got a text about the Airbnb guests wanting to do laundry.
So we sent a few texts regarding that and that’s when the demolition started.
I guess somoene decided to knock down the two houses next door to us (I mean one is literally 5 feet from the side of our house) without giving us any notice. (We knew they were going to start construction eventually, but thought it would be at the end of summer.) The construction had actually started at 7am with some random hammering, but at 10am they started nailing plywood onto our windows and the huge trucks started demolishing these buildings. It was LOUD.
That was when I decided we needed to get the heck out of the house.
All of this before 10am.
I loaded the girls into the stroller and we took a walk to a coffee shop half a mile away (to kill as much time as possible). Clara and I split a homemade poptart and I had a chai tea latte (with soy). It was blissful. Until Isabelle started crying, which I took as my cue to leave.
We walked home and Clara fell asleep in the stroller, which is never a good sign.
The demolition was still going on when we got home, so I woke Clara up to get her out of the stroller and we stopped to watch the big trucks for a while. It was actually really neat!
Then I fed Isabelle again, while making Clara’s lunch. (I am an excellent breastfeeding multi-tasker).
After lunch, another potty break, and a few more books, it was (Clara’s) naptime.
So naturally Isabelle picks this moment to start screaming. And screaming.
I almost lost my mind.
The construction was so loud I could barely think, Isabelle was screaming in my ear. I was trying to read Clara’s books. Clara was yelling (joyfully) about every single thing on every single page… It was awful.
Finally. FINALLY I got Clara into her crib. (And then out again, to go potty AGAIN.)
And Isabelle and I retreated downstairs so I could feed her AGAIN just to make her stop crying. For a few blissful moments, it was quiet in my house. And by quiet I mean that the only sounds I could hear was the sound of a building being demolished 30 feet from my head. But since no babies were yelling, whining, or screaming, I was a happy woman.
It’s amazing how low my expectations for relaxation have gotten!
Every time I moved, Isabelle woke up, but I still put her down for a while so I could clean the house.
Then Clara woke up, because naptime is never long enough.
Less than perfect photos because it was a less than perfect day. But look at the joy on this face!
At around 4pm I realized that I had only eaten half a poptart all day. Whoops! I grabbed a bit of yogurt and hid in the cupboard so I could eat it in peace.
We hosted our church group last night so we had to straighten up and make sure we had dinner and drinks for our 10 friends.
Thankfully, we had decided ahead of time that pizza and beer is all we could handle so I didn’t need to cook dinner. THANK YOU JESUS.
We hosted our friends for a few hours and Clara had a grand ol’ time running around and showing everyone her skills of jumping and throwing a ball. She was so pleased to have a captive audience, and I was happy that I was able to have some adult time.
Clara finally went to bed at around 8:30pm.
Isabelle went to sleep at around midnight. (She was seriously awake from 10am-midnight with only a few less-than-10 minute naps all day. I do not understand this baby.)
And I went to sleep shortly after that.
I definitely can’t complain that my life is boring!
… But let’s hope tomorrow is a little less chaotic.