Things I’m especially thankful for right-this-second

Things I’m (especially) thankful for today:

  • Today being the first full day of our post-move phase of life. I’m so glad that we didn’t need to figure out moving logistics and were able to relax for a bit!

First day in Seattle

  • Pumpkin pie spice cookie butter from Trader Joes. (If eating it with a spoon straight out of the jar is wrong, I don’t ever want to be right.)
  • The sunshine that Seattle has been blessed with the past two days.
  • The awesome style advice I received from Caitlin at Greater Than Rubies. I’m still very much a work in progress, but last week she gave me some stellar tips and it’s totally changed the way I get dressed every day.
  • The Cubs winning in the postseason and going to the next round of playoffs!
  • Our (relatively) smooth move to the PNW.
  • The support from our family and friends and the many prayers offered up on our behalf over the past few days/weeks.
  • My favorite indoor shoes.
  • The awesome opportunities I’ve been given.
  • Clara’s big smile and laughter and the joy she derives from the very simple things in life… today she was so upset when we made her leave the lake we were walking around, because she just loved looking at the water! And every time she sees a bird she must point it out to us. Even on the toughest days, it’s truly rewarding to be a toddler mom.

10 seems like a good number to stop at…

What are you especially thankful for right-this-second?!

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