Should I stay or should I go?

(Thanks to The Clash for this super-catchy post title.)

I am someone who likes to be on the move, always. I like to try new things, go new places, and have adventures. But this lifestyle isn’t so easy with kids. Actually, it isn’t easy at all with kids.

Having one kid made it a little harder to do things. Having two kids makes everything seem impossible. However, I am determined – determined to live my ‘normal’ life and to do the hard things.

Sometimes it’s worth it, sometimes it’s not.

This weekend, it was worth it.

On Saturday, Tim and I drove down to Portland (about 3 hours from Seattle) for a day trip to visit friends and their new baby. Of course, we brought our little ones with us.

I was pretty intimidated about the thought of being stuck in a car with a baby and a toddler for that long, but we were so excited about the trip that we decided to go for it and not think about it too much.

So we all got in the car (after 2 hours of trying to get out of the house, of course), and away we went!

And guys. It wasn’t that bad.

I mean, the trip started out a bit rough. We got pulled over for a speeding ticket before we even got out of the Seattle area, but after that, it was smooth sailing! Isabelle was quiet and Clara did great for about two hours. Then, when she started to really get whiny (“I WANT TO GO HOME!!!!!!!!!”) We gave her a phone to watch two Daniel Tiger episodes, and peace was restored. We only made two stops – and during one of those stops I got Starbucks!

We made it to Portland unscathed (and $200 poorer).


The day was magical. We got to meet our friends’ new baby and have some quality time chatting and eating bagels. Plus, our friends were hosting a little get together, so we also got to meet their local friends. Magical day, I tell ya. Clara and Isabelle both did great and we even got Clara to nap a bit.

Then, at 9pm, we piled back in the car and drove home. And get this… the girls slept the entire way to Seattle and Tim and I had a chance to talk. ACTUALLY TALK. Like real people! Like real, undistracted people! Without a toddler interrupting! Without a baby crying!


Was it easy? Heck no. But it was easier than I had thought it was going to be, so I consider it a win!

But don’t let this story fool you, it could have gone an entirely different way. A few months ago (when it was only Clara and us) we drove to Portland and she screamed for five hours. Five hours. The trip was still worth it, but I wouldn’t have been able to handle five hours of two kids crying.

What I’m learning is this – for me, it’s usually worth it to go. Whether it’s a playdate, park, coffee shop, trip, etc. To stay at home is to give up things I love doing and people I love doing them with.

Conversely, if it’s something I’m only ‘meh’ about doing, it is never worth it. Ever.

So for now, I’m going to do all of the things I love to do, kids in tow. I’m nowhere close to my pre-kids activity and energy levels, but I’m feeling okay and doing some ‘normal’ activities is keeping me sane.

It is always easier to stay at home. But I find it’s almost always better to go.

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