We should totally win some sort of ‘productivity’ award.

Remember how last week was a whirlwind of fun? Well this week was a freakin’ whirlwind of activity. We packed. We moved. We unpacked. We unpacked some more. We worked. We went to church group. And we even made time for a bubble bath.

And I would say we get to rest this weekend, but alas, we’re headed off to a marriage retreat!

(Convenient timing, right?! Even though we only fought a few times during this whole moving thing – which I think is a great improvement from a few years ago when we did this for the first time!)

Onto Friday Fours!

Ohhhh the possibilities of an empty apartment! (This is our new family room.)



Four thoughts from this week

  • The Husband was in charge of packing. I thought he may start this process weeks ahead of time. Nope, he started one day before the movers were scheduled to show up. *cue anxiety* Sigh.
  • We moved on Tuesday! We left our north side neighborhood to relocate to a west side neighborhood. Everything went without a hitch. Hiring movers is consistently the best money we spend all year, every year. 
  • I am always in charge of unpacking (it’s only fair because the Husband does all the packing) and I recruited a friend to help on Tuesday, a friend to help on Wednesday, and my mom to help on Thursday. Well, I involved the right people because the whole house was unpacked by Wednesday night and by the time my mom showed up on Thursday there was nothing left to do. Nothing makes me happy than a quickly unpacked apartment.
  • Ozzie is not a fan of the new apartment. I think we managed to over-traumatize the little bugger. We decided to send him to the vet for a teeth cleaning on moving day and then, of course, we took him back to the new house and he was just so, so confused. (And it turns out that boxes give Ozzie more anxiety than they give me!)


Four pregnancy notes

  • I was on my feet for the last few days unpacking, and I barely felt Baby B. move at all. I was a bit anxious, but then on Thursday (when I finally sat down for a few hours) I felt him/her like crazy! Thank goodness. (Yeah, turns out paranoia doesn’t end with the first trimester.)
  • Baby B. weighs about a pound now. That’s, like, a seriously legit size!
  • All I want is root beer and Pepsi and Coca Cola and all things sugary and carbonated and wonderful.
  • My mom came by today and accusingly proclaimed, ‘YOU NEVER GET BIGGER!’ Sigh. Needless to say, I’m still waiting to start showing in normal clothes. I swear, when I’m naked, I can totally tell I’m knocked up!


Four links (that are too good not to share)


Four posts you may have missed

  • Cinnamon rolls and loved ones and life transitions and such. (Mon)
  • Enough from me, let’s talk to some men instead. (Tues)
  • Moving on! (Wed)
  • Why we waited to share the (awesome) news that we’re pregnant. (Thurs)


Featured blog

married to the game blog You know those bloggers that you can totally relate to because your lives are basically exactly the same? Well that is not the way I feel about Ashley at ‘Married to the Game’, and that’s why I love following her! Through her blog, I can live vicariously through her.

She’s currently in Canada, cheering on her main man who plays professional hockey. I’m sitting at home in Chicago while my guy is at a corporate job.

But we’re both cold, so there’s that!

Seriously, Ashley leads the adventurous life that sometimes I really wish I lived! And she surrenders to change much better than I ever could. I mean just reading about how many life transitions she’s made in the past few months makes my head spin. Her & her fiances decision to live without having a plan? How does that work?! Teach me your ways, Ashley!

Another thing I’m impressed with? Ashley’s dedication to staying healthy, even when she’s living in a hotel. I just wish I had this level of motivation to get my sweat on! (And I generally consider myself fairly motivated!)

Needless to say, Ashley & ‘Married to the Game’ is a blog(ger) you’ll want to follow. i can’t wait to find out where they end up next – and I’m already excited for the wedding photos that I’m expecting to see in June!

Join me in following along on her (hockey life) adventures!

And of course, feel free to stalk follow her (and her blog!) on Bloglovin’, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

 ** Do you want to be a featured blogger/shop owner? I have some $5 spots available immediately!



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